Cups famous quotes
Talk and tea is his specialty," said Giles. "He has about five cups of tea a day. But he works splendidly when we are looking.
-- Agatha Christie -
You must learn to drink the cup of life as it comes ... without stirring it up from the bottom. That's where the bitter dregs are!
-- Agnes Sligh Turnbull -
I played against the Brazilians in '82, who were definitely the best team never to have won the World Cup.
-- Alan Hansen -
The telling of a story, like virtually everything in this life, was always made all the easier by a cup of tea.
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
Arsene Wenger uses the FA Cup to bleed his youngsters
-- Alvin Martin -
A cup brimful of sweetness cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, no matter how suddenly jarred.
-- Amy Carmichael -
After an All-Blacks surprise loss to the French in the 1999 Rugby World Cup: “The French are predictably unpredictable.
-- Andrew Mehrtens -
As leaders, we are never responsible for filling anyone else's cup. Our responsibility is to empty ours.
-- Andy Stanley -
I thought Mr. Millward never would cease telling us that he was no tea-drinker, and that it was highly injurious to keep loading the stomach with slops to the exclusion of more wholesome sustenance, and so give himself time to finish his fourth cup.
-- Anne Bronte -
We are all cups, and our destiny is poured according to measures we cannot understand, cannot influence.
-- Anne Fortier -
A good cup of Earl Grey tea - you cant beat it.
-- Antonia Thomas -
There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.
-- Aristotle -
Touch it gently, put two fingers inside, make sure it's wet & rub up & down. Yep that's how you wash a cup!
-- Ashley Purdy -
A cup at Starbucks isn't really that expensive when you consider what Victoria's Secret charges per cup..
-- Ashley Purdy -
Many things happen between the cup and the upper lip.
-- Aulus Gellius -
Nor shall our cups make any guilty men; But at our parting, we will be, as when We innocently met.
-- Ben Jonson -
It’s up to the captain. I certainly feel my golf is worthy of playing in the Ryder Cup. But I’m not sure I’m on the radar screen of Paul McGinley.
-- Bernhard Langer -
Life is just one cup of coffee after another, and don't look for anything else.
-- Bertrand Russell -
In my morning time with God, I ask Him to fill all my hollow places with His lavish, unfailing love. This frees me from craving the approval of others and requiring them to fill up my “cup.†Then, if someone takes the time to demonstrate his or her love for me, that's the overflow! I am free to appreciate and enjoy it, but I didn't emotionally require it!
-- Beth Moore -
The cup of Ireland's misery has been overflowing for centuries and is not yet half full.
-- Boyle Roche -
I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but that's the great part: I don't have to be.
-- Brandi Glanville -
Come and see my coaching certificates - they're called the European Cup and league championships,
-- Brian Clough -
I used to smoke cigarettes, ten a day, but gave up when I was 28. Now my vice is several cups of coffee a day, which isn't great if you're prone to weak bones as I am, as caffeine can leach calcium.
-- Britt Ekland -
You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup.
-- Bruce Lee -
I am a collector of many things, but I particularly love the sterling silver mint julep cups, each engraved with the titles of the Broadway shows in which I appeared.
-- Bryan Batt -
In Gethsemane the holiest of all petitioners prayed three times that a certain cup might pass from Him. It did not.
-- C. S. Lewis -
I'd punch that ***** in the balls before I'd cup him for comfort.
-- Calamity Jane -
It is because of its emptiness that the cup is useful.
-- Carole Wilkinson -
Oh come on Pam, they're funny. They're like humans but miniature...tea cup humans!
-- Charlaine Harris -
My dear if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs.
-- Charles Dickens -
However, one cannot put a quart in a pint cup.
-- Charlotte Perkins Gilman -
They're drinkin' home brew from a wooden cup. The folks were dancin' there got all shook up.
-- Chuck Berry -
Tis I whom children love the best; / My wealth is all for them; / For them is set each glossy cup / Upon each sturdy stem.
-- Cicely Mary Barker -
I turned 24 in the middle of my first World Cup and it was quite an unbelievable experience. It's really hard for words to do it justice.
-- Cobi Jones -
Looking back now at my first World Cup experience, I didn't know what was going on. I was a newbie and I had no idea what to expect.
-- Cobi Jones -
It is extraordinary how the house and the simplest possessions of someone who has been left become so quickly sordid. . . . Even the stain on the coffee cup seems not coffee but the physical manifestation of one's inner stain, the fatal blot that from the beginning had marked one for ultimate aloneness.
-- Coleman Dowell -
An old bandit adage: A bell is a cup until it is struck.
-- Colin Meloy -
Every time I get into a Nationwide car after being in a Cup car, I feel so much more comfortable than I did previously.
-- Danica Patrick -
I used to wash up the dishes as C3PO. And it's very hard to put cups away when this joint doesn't bend! Mum was very tolerant...
-- Darren Hayes -
I like cappuccino, actually. But even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all.
-- David Lynch -
I'd never won the Stanley Cup so I asked Cournoyer right after the final if this was like winning the Cup. He said, 'This is ten times better.' I believed him.
-- Dennis Hull -
Nobody can have your psychedelic experience for you; you just have to screw your courage up and raise the cup to your lips or smoke the pipe or whatever it is and face what's in there.
-- Dennis McKenna -
I certainly have an advantage over some because I can pass on so much from the World Cups I played in.
-- Diego Maradona -
My strength returns to me with my cup of coffee and the reading of the psalms.
-- Dorothy Day -
I always wanted to host a show, throw whipped-cream pies. Theater is not my cup of tea.
-- Doug Davidson -
Stay keeping my cup full so I'm extra charged like a state tax.
-- Drake -
Winning the Stanley Cup in '99 was a dream come true. I'll never forget it.
-- Ed Belfour -
I'm competitive. I'd love another chance to be part of a Stanley Cup championship team. That'd be awesome.
-- Ed Belfour -
Pour out the wine without restraint or stay, Pour not by cups, but by the bellyful, Pour out to all that wull.
-- Edmund Spenser -
Life in itself / Is nothing, / An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs. / It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, / April / Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.
-- Edna St. Vincent Millay -
Life in itself Is nothing, An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs.
-- Edna St. Vincent Millay -
All anyone can hope for is just a tiny bit of love, like a drop in a cup if you can get it, or a waterfall, a flood, if you can get that too.
-- Edwidge Danticat -
I didn't have a cup of coffee until I was 27.
-- Elizabeth Hurley -
Sixty slutz all of them dying from asphyxia/after they sip piss through a Christopher Reeves sippie cup
-- Eminem -
For sheer sensory enjoyment, few everyday experiences can compete with a good cup of coffee.
-- Ernesto Illy -
I've never cooked. I can't do much more in the kitchen than make a cup of tea and some toast.
-- Ethel Merman -
One gal drank a can of floor wax and topped it off with a cup of Clorox, trying to separate herself from the same world he was in.
-- Fannie Flagg -
I'm a tulip in a cup. I stand no chance of growing up
-- Fiona Apple -
The mug from the washstand was used as Becky's tea cup, and the tea was so delicious that it was not necessary to pretend that it was anything but tea.
-- Frances Hodgson Burnett -
At the World Cup and even now at the Confederations Cup, our security provisions will ensure the greatest level of protection possible for all those participating - both inside and outside the stadiums.
-- Franz Beckenbauer -
The one who’s really, really impressed me is Benedikt Höwedes because he’s playing out of position. He’s never played at left back before in his life but he’s having a first-rate World Cup. So, the most astonishing player for me is Höwedes.
-- Franz Beckenbauer -
What's lost is nothing to what's found, and all the death that ever was, set next to life, would scarcely fill a cup.
-- Frederick Buechner -
It is surely easier to confess a murder over a cup of coffee than in front of a jury.
-- Friedrich Durrenmatt -
If you can serve a cup of tea right, you can do anything.
-- G. I. Gurdjieff -
When friends ask for a second cup they are open to conversation ...
-- Gail Parent -
I get a couple cups of coffee into me and weird things just start to happen.
-- Gary Larson -
The World Cup is every four years, so it's going to be a perennial problem.
-- Gary Lineker -
We'll have more football later. Meanwhile, here are the highlights from the Scottish Cup final.
-- Gary Newbon -
One of the great rules of hockey is: On the Stanley Cup, all germs are healthy.
-- George Vecsey -
I have so many runner-up cups that I am thinking of starting my own tea shop.
-- Goran Ivanisevic -
Being an ex-England manager, one that failed to qualify for the World Cup, is like being a dead politician.
-- Graham Taylor -
We shouldn't blame the Panama programme for the World Cup bid failing
-- Graham Taylor -
The world could bring you poison in a jewelled cup, or surprising gifts. Sometimes you didn't know which of them it was.
-- Guy Gavriel Kay -
Being drafted by the Montreal Canadiens, that was the greatest moment in my career. And stealing the Stanley Cup in 1978 and bringing it back to my hometown of Thurso.
-- Guy Lafleur -
Comic-strip stuff isn't really my cup of tea, really.
-- Guy Pearce -
I still have many goals left, especially the Overall World Cup standings.
-- Hermann Maier -
A cup concealed in the dress is rarely honestly carried.
-- Horace -
The premium single-cup segment is the fastest-growing business within the global coffee industry.
-- Howard Schultz -
There's this myth that has been exacerbated by others that Starbucks means a $4 cup of coffee, which is not true.
-- Howard Schultz -
Swallow what's bitter in the cup and move on.
-- Howard W. Hunter -
Be careful, therefore, to take part only in the one Eucharist; for there is only one Flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ and one cup to unite us with His Blood.
-- Ignatius of Antioch -
As one, the shapechangers turned and looked at me. I wondered what they'd do if I asked to borrow a cup of sugar.
-- Ilona Andrews -
Go and walk with Nature; thou wilt find Full many a gem in her enchanted cup.
-- Isaac McLellan -
You can't give if your cup of inspiration isn't full.
-- Isabel Lucas -
Surely if we knew what bitterness fate held in store, we would shrink back in fear and let the cup of life pass us by untasted.
-- Jacqueline Carey -
If I see a spider in my house, I put it in a cup, and then I take it outside. I save it. What is wrong with me?
-- Jacqueline Emerson -
C has all the expressive power of two dixie cups and a string.
-- Jamie Zawinski -
I trust in the Lord God Almighty ... that he will not take away from me the cup of his redemption, but firmly hope to drink from it today in his kingdom.
-- Jan Hus -
You often see shocks in the League Cup, even when you don’t expect them
-- Jan Mølby -
When the cup of any sensual pleasure is drained to the bottom, there is always poison in the dregs.
-- Jane Porter -
I rented Ghostbusters, my all-time favorite inspirational movie. I picked up some microwave, popcorn, a KitKat, a bag of bite-sized Reese's peanut butter cups, and a box of instant hot chocolate with marshmallows. Do I know how to have a good time, or what?
-- Janet Evanovich