Richard Russo famous quotes
And there comes a time in your life when you realize that if you don't take the opportunity to be happy, you may never get another chance again.
-- Richard Russo -
Which is why we have spouses and children and parents and colleagues and friends, because someone has to know us better than we know ourselves. We need them to tell us. We need them to say, "I know you, Al. You are not the kind of man who.
-- Richard Russo -
People sometimes get in the habit of being loyal to a mistake.
-- Richard Russo -
You use simple brushstrokes in a screenplay for things over which you would take much greater pains in a novel.
-- Richard Russo -
Have you ever noticed that when people use the expression 'I have to say', what follows usually needn't be said?
-- Richard Russo -
What if all everybody needed in the world was to be sure of one friend? What if you were the one, and you refused to say those simple words?
-- Richard Russo -
After all, what was the whole wide world but a place for people to yearn for their heart's impossible desires, for those desires to become entrenched in defiance of logic, plausibility, and even the passage of time, as eternal as polished marble.
-- Richard Russo -
He'd discovered that his memories of that summer were like bad movie montages - young lovers tossing a Frisbee in the park, sharing a melting ice-cream cone, bicycling along the river, laughing, talking, kissing, a sappy score drowning out the dialogue because the screenwriter had no idea what these two people might say to each other.
-- Richard Russo -
Worse, I have to admit to feeling the jealousy of one crab for another that has managed to climb out of the barrel.
-- Richard Russo -
I was the one who did come through that door. You were the one she was waiting for.
-- Richard Russo -
Go to it. Be bold. Be true. Be kind. Rotate your tires. Don't drink so much. There aren't going to be enough liver transplants to go around.
-- Richard Russo -
Bookstores, like libraries, are the physical manifestation of the wide world's longest, most thrilling conversation.
-- Richard Russo -
The world is divided between kids who grow up wanting to be their parents and those like us, who grow up wanting to be anything but. Neither group ever succeeds.
-- Richard Russo -
I just have this feeling that if it weren't for the Gloversville Free Library that I probably would not be a writer.
-- Richard Russo -
What I discovered I liked best about striking out on my bicycle was that the farther I got from home, the more interesting and unusual my thoughts became.
-- Richard Russo -
Stories worked much the same way . . . A false note at the beginning was much more costly than one nearer the end because early errors were part of the foundation.
-- Richard Russo -
Was anything in the world truer than that intuitive leap of the heart?
-- Richard Russo -
The line of gray along the horizon is brighter now, and with the coming light I feel a certainty: that there is, despite our wild imaginings, only one life. The ghostly others, no matter how real they seem, no matter how badly we need them, are phantoms. The one life we're left with is sufficient to fill and refill our imperfect hearts with joy, and then to shatter them. And it never, ever lets up.
-- Richard Russo -
To expect reason is where the fallacy lies.
-- Richard Russo -
Even at its most perceptive, sociology deals in abstractions.
-- Richard Russo -
Odd that the future should be so difficult to bring into focus when the past, uninvited, offered itself up so easily for inspection.
-- Richard Russo -
If my career continues along its current arc, people will probably look at me and see a writer who is obsessed with the relationship between rich and poor and with how the rich somehow or other always manage to betray the poor, even when they don't mean to.
-- Richard Russo -
Since her retirement from teaching Miss Beryl's health had in many respects greatly improved, despite her advancing years. An eighth-grade classroom was an excellent place to snag whatever was in the air in the way of illness. Also depression, which, Miss Beryl believed, in conjunction with guilt, opened the door to illness. Miss Beryl didn't know any teachers who weren't habitually guilty and depressed-guilty they hadn't accomplished more with their students, depressed that very little more was possible.
-- Richard Russo -
Some authors have a very hard time understanding that in order to be faithful to the spirit of the book, it's almost always impossible to remain faithful to the text. You have to make changes.
-- Richard Russo -
My books are elegiac in the sense that they're odes to a nation that even I sometimes think may not exist anymore except in my memory and my imagination.
-- Richard Russo -
When I start getting close to the end of a novel, something registers in the back of my mind for the next novel, so that I usually don't write, or take notes. And I certainly don't begin. I just allow things to percolate for a while.
-- Richard Russo -
People often ask me how I make things funny. I don't make things funny.
-- Richard Russo -
Ultimately, your #‎ theme will find you. You don't have to go looking for it.
-- Richard Russo -
I was pretty dead set against ever writing an academic novel. It's always been my view that there are already more than enough academic novels and that most of them aren't any good. Most of them are self-conscious and bitter, the work of people who want to settle grudges.
-- Richard Russo -
Why mince words? Beautiful Ruins is an absolute masterpiece.
-- Richard Russo -
Don't even the best and most fortunate of lives hint at other possibilities, at a different kind of sweetness and, yes, bitterness too? Isn't this why we can't help feeling cheated, even when we know we haven't been?
-- Richard Russo -
As I drift back into sleep, I can't help thinking that it's a wonderful thing to be right about the world. To weigh the evidence, always incomplete, and correctly intuit the whole, to see the world in a grain of sand, to recognize its beauty, its simplicity, its truth. It's as close as we get to God in this life, and reside in the glow of such brief flashes of understanding, fully awake, sometimes for two or three seconds, at peace with our existence. And then back to sleep we go.
-- Richard Russo -
To his surprise he also discovered that it was possible to be good at what you had little interest in, just as it had been possible to be bad at something, whether painting or poetry, that you cared about a great deal.
-- Richard Russo -
I think the darker aspect of my fiction-or anybody's fiction-is by its very nature somehow easier to talk about.
-- Richard Russo -
I think it would be harder for me not to write comedy because the comic view of things is the one that comes most naturally to me.
-- Richard Russo -
I suppose all writers worry about the well running dry.
-- Richard Russo -
I read pretty voraciously. If it's good, I don't care what it is.
-- Richard Russo -
I get and read an enormous number of first novels.
-- Richard Russo -
You can be interested in a Jane Smiley novel whether or not anyone says a word. She enters into her characters thoughts with great understanding and depth.
-- Richard Russo -
HBO is really famous for hiring good people and staying out of their way until they ask for help, or need it. And that reputation is earned.
-- Richard Russo -
America has always been a nation of small places, and as we lose them, we're losing part of ourselves.
-- Richard Russo -
A short story is something that I think can be intuited and envisioned and held in your mind almost at once.
-- Richard Russo -
I have to have a character worth caring about. I tend not to start writing books about people I don't have a lot of sympathy for because I'm just going to be with them too long.
-- Richard Russo -
I don't think there's a shortage of material in the world. Or in my head. I just pray for continued good health, because I've got other stories to tell.
-- Richard Russo -
Cary Grant never won an Oscar, primarily, I suspect, because he made everything look so effortless. Why reward someone for having fun, for being charming?
-- Richard Russo -
At the risk of appearing disingenuous, I don't really think of myself as 'writing humor.' I'm simply reporting on the world I observe, which is frequently hilarious.
-- Richard Russo -
I think a lot of what is going on with kids who get pushed too far and attempt either murder or suicide is that they are trying to deal with their own non-existence for the people who are supposed to care most for them.
-- Richard Russo -
I'm delighted by how Nobody's Fool turned out. It was a rare movie.
-- Richard Russo -
I think that if people are instructed about anything, it should be about the nature of cruelty. And about why people behave so cruelly to each other. And what kind of satisfactions they derive from it. And why there is always a cost, and a price to be paid.
-- Richard Russo -
People in small towns, much more than in cities, share a destiny.
-- Richard Russo -
It's no secret that in my books I'm trying to make the comic and the serious rub up against each other just as closely and uncomfortably as I can.
-- Richard Russo -
A couple years ago, the novelist Russell Banks told me he was reading the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. I asked why. He said, 'Because I've always wanted to and am tired of having my reading assigned.' I thought it was a marvelous declaration of independence.
-- Richard Russo -
If you work at comedy too laboriously, you can kill what's funny in the joke.
-- Richard Russo -
When authors who write literary fiction begin to write screenplays, everybody assumes that's the end. Here's another who's never going to write well again.
-- Richard Russo -
If there's an enduring theme in my work, it's probably the effects of class on American life.
-- Richard Russo -
I'll tell you one thing, though. It's a terrible thing to be a disappointment to a good woman.
-- Richard Russo -
I've never written nearly as much about place as people seem to think I do. I just write about class.
-- Richard Russo -
Not everyone writes well from a child's point of view.
-- Richard Russo -
You just kind of have faith. If that sounds kind of mystical, it's because I really don't know how it works, but I trust that it does. I try to write the way I read, in order to find out what happens next.
-- Richard Russo -
To weigh and evaluate a vast grid of information, much of it meaningless, and to arrive at sensible, if erroneous, conclusions, is a skill not to be sneezed at.
-- Richard Russo -
Steve Yarbrough's Safe from the Neighbors will take your breath away. Ambitious, funny, sad, smart, and beautifully crafted, it's everything a novel should be.
-- Richard Russo -
One of the nice things about our marriage, at least to my way of thinking, is that my wife and I no longer have to argue every thing through. We each know what the other will say, and so the saying becomes an unnecessary formality. No doubt some marriage counselor would explain to us that our problem is a failure to communicate, but to my way of thinking we've worked long and hard to achieve this silence, Lily's and mine, so fraught with mutual understanding.
-- Richard Russo -
Structure is one of the things that I always hope will reveal itself to me.
-- Richard Russo -
Were it not for Occam's Razor, which always demands simplicity, I'd be tempted to believe that human beings are more influenced by distant causes than immediate ones. This would especially be true of overeducated people, who are capable of thinking past the immediate, of becoming obsessed by the remote. It's the old stuff, the conflicts we've never come to terms with, that sneaks up on us, half forgotten, insisting upon action.
-- Richard Russo -
I want that which is hilarious and that which is heartbreaking to occupy the same territory in the book because I think they very often occupy the same territory in life, much as we try to separate them.
-- Richard Russo -
I don't think America has ever had a center the way London is the center of England or Dublin is the center of Ireland.
-- Richard Russo -
People who imagine themselves to be self-made seldom enjoy examining the process of manufacture in detail.
-- Richard Russo -
I'm not an easy man. I can be an entertaining one, though it's been my experience that most people don't want to be entertained. They want to be comforted.
-- Richard Russo -
My dad had this rock hard body and would work 12- to 13-hour days. The guys he worked with were scrap-iron guys. Nobody on that road crew had read a book in 10 years, but there was something about the way they lived I really admired.
-- Richard Russo -
I looked back at some of my earlier published stories with genuine horror and remorse. I got thinking, How many extant copies might there be, who owns them, and do they keep their doors locked?
-- Richard Russo -
It's possible to overlook character flaws of in-laws for the simple reason that you feel neither responsible for them nor genetically implicated.
-- Richard Russo -
Knowing and knowing what to do about it were two different things.
-- Richard Russo -
The other possibility was that there was no right thing to say, that the choice wasn't between right and wrong but between wrong, more wrong, and as wrong as you can get.
-- Richard Russo -
One of the odd things about middle age, he concluded, was the strange decisions a man discovers he's made by not really making them, like allowing friends to drift away through simple neglect.
-- Richard Russo -
To his surprise, she leaned over and kissed him on the forehead, a kiss so full of affection that it dispelled the awkwardness, even as it caused Miles' heart to plummet, because all kisses are calibrated, and this one revealed the great chasm between affection and love.
-- Richard Russo -
If you paid me for work," continued Max, whose rhetoric was more sophisticated than you might expect from a man with food in his beard, "I wouldn't have to feel worthless. There's not law says old people have to feel worthless all the while, you know. You paid me, I'd have some dignity." Now it was Mile's turn to nod and smile agreeably. "I think the dignity ship set sail a long time ago, Dad.
-- Richard Russo -
In the end it all came down to companionship, to friendship, to sacrifice, to compromise.
-- Richard Russo -
I told him the truth, that I loved him and didn't regret anything about our lives together. But do we ever 'tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God' as my father used to say, to those we love? Or even to ourselves? Don't even the best and most fortunate of lives hint at other possibilities, at a different kind of sweetness and, yes, bitterness too? Isn't this why we can't help feeling cheated, even when we know we haven't been?
-- Richard Russo -
There are a great many sins in this world, none of them original.
-- Richard Russo -
He looks like he could be taken in a fight. Not by me, but by somebody. Not anyone in Humanities, probably.
-- Richard Russo -
I’ve always known that there’s more going on inside me than finds its way into the world, but this is probably true of everyone. Who doesn’t regret that he isn’t more fully understood?
-- Richard Russo -
By ignoring a lot of American culture you can write more interesting stories. Unfortunately, if you were writing about America as it is, you'd be writing about a lot of people sitting in front of television sets.
-- Richard Russo -
A lot of my characters in all of my books have a self-destructive urge. They'll do precisely the thing that they know is wrong, take a perverse delight in doing the wrong thing.
-- Richard Russo -
That afternoon I came to understand that one of the deepest purposes of intellectual sophistication is to provide distance between us and our most disturbing personal truths and gnawing fears.
-- Richard Russo -
Who but an English professor would threaten to kill a duck a day and hold up a goose as an example?
-- Richard Russo -
You can't possibly judge your ability to control something until you've experienced the extremes of its capabilities. Do you understand?
-- Richard Russo -
They stayed, many of them, because staying was easier and less scary than leaving,
-- Richard Russo -
My God, he couldn't help thinking, how terrible it is to be that age, to have emotions so near the surface that the slightest turbulence causes them to boil over. That, very simply, was what adulthood must be all about -- acquiring the skill to bury things more deeply. Out of sight and, whenever possible, out of mind.
-- Richard Russo -
...aware, as always, that the truth isn't much of substitute for a good answer.
-- Richard Russo -
Movies have to handle time very efficiently. They're about stringing scenes together in the present. Novels aren't necessarily about that.
-- Richard Russo
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