Desperate famous quotes
52 minutes ago
There is nobody more terrible than the desperate.
-- Alexander Suvorov -
If I place love above everything, it is because for me it is the most desperate, the most despairing state of affairs imaginable.
-- Andre Breton -
I've worked with the greatest actors, and they're all gone. This is what's so desperate to me.
-- Angela Lansbury -
Single gals aren't all a bunch of Bridget Joneses, desperate for love.
-- Anita Hamilton -
There's something very addictive about people pleasing. It's a thought pattern and a habit that feels really, really good until it becomes desperate.
-- Anne Hathaway -
You seemed so desperate, like you might drown if someone didn't save you.
-- Arthur Golden -
A misspelled word is probably an alias for some desperate call for aid, which is bound to fail.
-- Ben Marcus -
The end of a dissolute life is most commonly a desperate death.
-- Bion of Smyrna -
Mankind at its most desperate is often at its best
-- Bob Geldof -
Some people are desperate because they don't know how to ask for His grace.
-- Bree Despain -
I came to see that what constitutes strength is not just a muscle or will. It can also include the most desperate vulnerability, the saddest heartache, the lightest, sweetest laughter.
-- Brenda Shaughnessy -
Desperate affairs require desperate remedies.
-- Carl von Clausewitz -
I was just the youngest in the family, and most in desperate need of attention.
-- Caroline Rhea -
writers are desperate people and when they stop being desperate they stop being writers.
-- Charles Bukowski -
I'm desperate to work again. I've often had those periods, but two years was the longest.
-- Charlotte Gainsbourg -
By trying to control everything we become very neurotic, more and more desperate. It's a huge tragic thing.
-- Charlotte Rampling -
I got to that desperate place where nobody could help me but God.
-- Cheryl James -
Desperate men do desperate things when you take hope away. And that's where the Palestinians are today.
-- Chuck Hagel -
Partly because of the desperate economic situation in the country, what were once the leading institutions of conservatism are constrained.
-- David Frum -
I believe that human beings are desperate, always, to belong to something larger than themselves.
-- David Whyte -
I'm not desperate but I know that some day I'll be the coach again of some team.
-- Diego Maradona -
The books weren't exactly Linnet's general reading fare, but a desperate woman will read anything.
-- Eloisa James -
I'd be smiling if I wasn't so desperate. I'd be patient if I had the time.
-- Emeli Sande -
I'm less desperate now to express what's inside me, that's true - I act these days because it keeps me awake and interested, an eternal student.
-- Emmanuelle Beart -
Once you base your whole life striving on a desperate lie, and try to implement that lie, you instrument your own undoing.
-- Ernest Becker -
I am desperate and vulnerable. ... I am always terrified.... Beauty can sometimes be so very troublesome.
-- Faye Dunaway -
Right after 'Desperate' sold to China, we were the most watched show around the world at the time. That's really something great to be a part of.
-- Felicity Huffman -
Abortion is not a sign that women are free, but a sign that they are desperate.
-- Frederica Mathewes-Green -
From Toscanini I learnt the essential and desperate seriousness of making music.
-- Georg Solti -
Printing money is the last resort of desperate governments when all other policies have failed.
-- George Osborne -
The only people who are desperate to go on the show are people we're desperate not to have on the show.
-- Graham Norton -
One must always hope when one is desperate, and doubt when one hopes.
-- Gustave Flaubert -
A monk's extraordinary patience can be a hindrance to desperate decision-making.
-- Harsha Bhogle -
There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.
-- Heinz Guderian -
Desperate affairs require desperate measures.
-- Horatio Nelson -
The Kingdom of Heaven is not for the well-meaning: it is for the desperate.
-- James Denney -
If one is desperate for love, I suggest looking at one's friends and family and see if love is all around. If not, get a new set of friends, a new family.
-- Jasmine Guy -
I might be needy, competitive and desperate but it's far better than being wet.
-- Jenny Eclair -
My constituency is the desperate, the damned, the disinherited, the disrespected and the despised.
-- Jesse Jackson -
Desperate? That can be a justification for all kinds of behavior.
-- Jessica Walter -
Desperate times call for desperate analogies.
-- John Diamond -
I learnt not to be desperate in bad times, and I am learning not to be bullish when times are good.
-- John Elkann -
I've never met anyone who wanted to be a terrorist. They are desperate people.
-- John Perkins -
Electoral contests have nothing but polls, which is why people have grown so obsessed with them; we're desperate for an objective rendering of what is happening and what may happen.
-- John Podhoretz -
A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.
-- Jonathan Cahn -
Human beings have hope. Not matter how desperate things are, they convince themselves that they can change things for the better." - John Gregory (Clash of the Demons)
-- Joseph Delaney -
Those that dare lose a day, ate dangerously prodigal; those that dare misspend it, are desperate.
-- Joseph Hall -
Adolescence involves our nutty-desperate-ecstatic-rash psychological efforts to come to terms with new bodies and outrageous urges.
-- Judith Viorst -
When you are desperate to get someone who isn't all that interested in you, you lay siege as hard as you can.
-- Julian Fellowes -
I swim with all my strength. No superhuman surge, or pony heroics; it's just me at my most desperate.
-- Karen Russell -
Failure may be cruel, but success is crueller still. The gods are usurers, you know; they lend to mortals, but they exact a desperate interest.
-- Katherine Cecil Thurston -
Legends were not only for the desperate. Legends were for the brave. (Soren)
-- Kathryn Lasky -
There is now a desperate need for a London-wide left caucus of those interested in the GLC and local councils so that we can compare and discuss what is happening in each borough.
-- Ken Livingstone -
There's always somebody older, richer, more desperate than you.
-- Kirstie Alley -
And now I understand that truth casts a spell of its own, one I'm not sure of how to hold on to, though I'm desperate to try.
-- Libba Bray -
Maybe it'll stop you trying to be so desperate about making more money than you can ever use? You can't take it with you, Mr. Kirby. So what good is it? As near as I can see, the only thing you can take with you is the love of your friends.
-- Lionel Barrymore -
You may be desperate, but never let anyone see you as anything less than a cultivated woman.
-- Lisa See -
In difficult and desperate cases, the boldest counsels are the safest.
-- Livy -
There's this huge number of desperate people.
-- Lloyd Alexander -
Even illegals are not coming into the United States now because they can't find jobs. It's how desperate the job situation is in the United States.
-- Mario Diaz-Balart -
This is the way the world really ends: not with whimper but a desperate chuckle.
-- Martin Firrell -
If you are curious, you will learn. If you are desperate, you will discover.
-- Mooji -
If we are desperate, though , if we have nothing to lose, or if we are full of enthusiasm for life, then the unknown reveals itself, and our universe changes direction.
-- Paulo Coelho -
I guess the GOP may be more desperate than I thought to call somebody like me.
-- Phil Robertson -
The more ways we have to connect, the more many of us seem desperate to unplug.
-- Pico Iyer -
I've never been desperate to please my father.
-- Rebecca Hall -
A thing can be true and still be desperate folly.
-- Richard Adams -
Can you imagine a silence so desperate to be heard?
-- Richard Jackson -
I took desperate measures to lose weight and did terrible things to myself. I went from diet pills to thirty laxatives a day to throwing up.
-- Richard Simmons -
Paradise is to be the ultimate instrument, fulfilling God's desperate intent that we love each other.
-- Ruby Dee -
He died violent and young and desperate, just like we all knew he'd die someday.
-- S. E. Hinton -
Writing a novel is like knocking on a door that will never open. You are so desperate to get in, you will say or do anything. You feel: please take my novel,
-- Samantha Shannon -
Clearly it is not the lovelorn sufferer who seeks solace in chocolate, but rather the chocolate-deprived individual, who, desperate, seeks in mere love a pale approximation of bittersweet euphoria.
-- Sandra Boynton -
People get desperate when they're backed into a corner.
-- Seohyun -
Anyone who is desperate or alone will agree there is comfort in routine.
-- Simon Van Booy -
We're not on a desperate mission to write chart compatible stuff.
-- Stephen Malkmus -
That’s the funny thing about knowing you can’t have something. It makes you desperate. -Leah
-- Stephenie Meyer -
Desperate times require desperate measures. What Lincoln and the Lobbyist for the Amendment and the Manager of the Amendment and himself, what they did to get this passed was not illegal. It was murky, but what they did was noble and grand. How they went about it was somewhat murky, but nothing they did was really illegal.
-- Steven Spielberg -
I know. I was hoping," I say. "Exactly. Because you're desperate," says Haymitch. I don't argue because, of course, he's right.
-- Suzanne Collins -
Desperate, yet no longer alone after that day, because we'd found each other.
-- Suzanne Collins -
That if desperate times call for desperate measures, then I'm free to act as desperately as I wish.
-- Suzanne Collins -
Are we not all desperate one way or another?
-- Taylor Caldwell -
The Brothers Grimm came along and I was so desperate for work ... Actually I've got to say that I like the movie, I won't apologize for it.
-- Terry Gilliam -
Sometimes that's all life is... One desperate act after another.
-- Terry Goodkind -
I was desperate really for people not to accuse me of coldness. It was taboo.
-- Thomas Dolby -
For-profit higher education is today a booming industry, feeding on the student loans handed out to the desperate.
-- Thomas Frank -
It is part of the American character to consider nothing as desperate.
-- Thomas Jefferson -
Jumping through any hoop or taking advantage of any desperate situation that comes up just to sell a product is harmful. It is.
-- Trent Reznor -
despite all our desperate, eternal attempts to separate, contain and mend, categories always leak.
-- Trinh T. Minh-ha