Baldness famous quotes


  • It is not quite the same when we are seventy-two as when we are twenty-seven; still I am glad of what is left, and wish we might both hold out till the victory we have sought is won, but all the same the victory is coming. In the aftertime the world will be the better for it.

  • Philosophy has forgotten about children

  • Forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably.

  • When my pals in high school were starting to drink, it always looked unappealing to me. I would be at a big party and see one of the popular girls or football players completely wasted and puking and acting a fool, and think to myself, there is nothing cool about that. I never wanted to be that out of control.

  • The clothes are so cute. On little kids .. it's so cute with accessories and little details.

  • I wonder how long this word will last, governed exclusively by the merciless, inhuman and immoral criteria of global economy. Seeing the shadow of distant islands, I imagined one still inhabited by a tribe of poets set aside for when, after the middle age of materialism, humanity will have to start to put other values into his existence.

  • Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary.

  • The British people think that if someone is disabled, then they should get all the care and support that we can offer.

  • I wanted to be the perfect artist. I'd do three hours of media interviews a day, going to every radio station I could squeeze in. I'd sign autographs after the show until everybody left.

  • Although the circle dance is known throughout the entire world, the front dance is limited to the cultures of which the rectangular hut is a part.