Painter famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Painters aren't expected to paint bleak pictures, are they?
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
I like all those painters who loved and had a strong feeling for nature.
-- Alfred Sisley -
The stubby French painter Toulouse-Lautrec supposedly invented chocolate mousse - I find that rather hard to believe, but there you have it.
-- Alton Brown -
I wanted to be a painter, really, when I was growing up as a kid. It was one thing that really took a grip on me.
-- Andy Serkis -
I never wanted to be a painter; I wanted to be a tap dancer.
-- Andy Warhol -
It's possible to have more than one interest. I've been a painter and did summer stock.
-- Arne Glimcher -
I would have loved to have been a painter or a sculptor. I'm still fascinated by those things.
-- Ben Whishaw -
Is the painter a plagiarist because he sets his palette to nature?
-- Benjamin West -
I am married to Beatrice Salkeld, a painter. We have no children, except me.
-- Brendan Behan -
Painters are amongst the priests - worker priests of the cult of man - searching to understand but never know.
-- Brice Marden -
My father was in the ad business, and he wanted to be a painter.
-- Bruce Campbell -
I'm a painter. I'm still a painter and I will die a painter. Everything that I have developed has to do with extending visual principles off the canvas.
-- Carolee Schneemann -
The successful painter is continually painting still life.
-- Charles Webster Hawthorne -
I was supporting myself, but nothing like the guy painters, as I refer to them. I always resented that actually.. we were all getting the same amount of press, but they were going gangbusters with sales.
-- Cindy Sherman -
No, I'm not a great painter. Neither am I a great poet.
-- Claude Monet -
I'm not a very good painter, but I'm learning a lot.
-- Cleo Moore -
Every good composition is above all a work of abstraction. All good painters know this. But the painter cannot dispense with subjects altogether without his work suffering impoverishment.
-- Diego Rivera -
It has always been difficult for historians to fully grasp the intelligence of painters.
-- Dore Ashton -
My work as a painter has always been tied to Modernism. I read everything I could find related to art, from Cézanne through the 1950s.
-- Ed Askew -
No one can be a painter unless he cares for painting above all else.
-- Edouard Manet -
The painter’s instrument is his armchair.
-- Edouard Vuillard -
Anybody who perceives colors can become a painter. It's simply a question of whether or not one has felt anything and whether one has the courage to recount the things one has felt.
-- Edvard Munch -
A painter can hang his pictures, but a writer can only hang himself.
-- Edward Dahlberg -
Pictures are spiritual beings. The soul of the painter lives within them.
-- Emil Nolde -
The Painter must leave the beholder something to guess.
-- Ernst Gombrich -
If you're a painter, you're not alone. There's no way to be alone.
-- Franz Kline -
I'd come into filmmaking as a painter so, for me, making 'Good Will Hunting' was experimental because I didn't know how to do it.
-- Gus Van Sant -
Painters must speak through paint, not through words.
-- Hans Hofmann -
A painter with prestige among painters is bound to be discovered sooner or later.
-- Harold Rosenberg -
I don't resent being a female painter. I don't exploit it. I paint.
-- Helen Frankenthaler -
Selection is the invention of the landscape painter.
-- Henry Fuseli -
My friends tend to be writers. I think writers and painters are really all the same-we just sit in our rooms.
-- Howard Hodgkin -
To be a painter now is to be part of a very small, endangered species.
-- Howard Hodgkin -
I wish there was a painter who could paint as well as Ted Williams could hit.
-- Jack Levine -
Poultry is for the cook what canvas is for the painter.
-- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin -
A painter can turn pennies into gold, for all subjects are capable of being transformed into poems.
-- Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres -
I make movies just as painters paint: I work where I can.
-- Jean-Jacques Annaud -
I am a painter with letters. I want to restore everything, mix everything up and say everything.
-- Jean-Luc Godard -
I wanted to be an abstract painter, but I was rotten at it.
-- Jenny Holzer -
All inspired painters are impressionists, even though it be true that some impressionists are not inspired.
-- Joaquin Sorolla -
No person who is not a great sculptor or painter can be an architect. If he is not a sculptor or painter, he can only be a builder.
-- John Ruskin -
When I left school, I wanted to be an artist, specifically a painter.
-- Jonathan Pryce -
The modern painter…is an excellent couturier
-- Joris-Karl Huysmans -
A painter paints because he has no time not to paint.
-- Josef Albers -
I have heard painters acknowledge, though in that acknowledgment no degradation of themselves was intended, that they could do better without nature than with her; or as they express themselves, 'that it only put them out.
-- Joshua Reynolds -
One thing about being a painter is that if you have a dog you are naturally going to spend a lot of time with him or her. It has always amazed me the closeness of that relationship even though a word was never spoken, intellect not any part of it.
-- Ken Gillespie -
I'd rather be remembered as a famous painter than a famous model, so I'll have to start the ball rolling now.
-- Kirsty Hume -
The painter's obsession with his subject is all that he needs to drive him to work.
-- Lucian Freud -
If all the qualities which a painter took from the model for his picture were really taken, no person could be painted twice.
-- Lucian Freud -
I'm an Indian-origin painter. I will remain so to my last breath.
-- M. F. Husain -
I sometimes question whether I'm even an artist or just a painter.
-- Martin Mull -
The role of the painter . . . is to project that which sees itself in him.
-- Max Ernst -
This theme of bigness — all painters and sculptors have dealt with it ever since.
-- Michael Heizer -
For the painter, the system of painting in flat tints is superior to all others.
-- Michel Eugene Chevreul -
I have been criticized rather strenuously by painters and sculptors for not incorporating their work in our buildings.
-- Minoru Yamasaki -
If I were a painter I would paint my reverie If that's the only way for you to be with me
-- Norah Jones -
If I had parallel lives to pursue, I would also want one as a painter.
-- Norman Spinrad -
The painter must enclose himself within his work; he must respond not with words, but with paintings.
-- Paul Cezanne -
When I'm dead, I wanna leave a body of work, like authors or great painters do.
-- Paul Weller -
You haven't time to think about the composition. In working directly from nature, the painter ends up by simply aiming at an effect, and not composing the picture at all; and he soon becomes monotonous.
-- Pierre-Auguste Renoir -
With a limited palette, the older painters could do just as well as today what they did was sounder.
-- Pierre-Auguste Renoir -
I've known painters who never did any good work because instead of painting their models they seduced them.
-- Pierre-Auguste Renoir -
A GREAT PAINTER will know a great deal about how he did it, but still he will say, “How did I do it?
-- Robert Henri -
Without ethical consciousness, a painter is only a decorator.
-- Robert Motherwell -
If one were to ask a painter what he felt about anything, his just response - though he seldom makes it - would be to paint it, and in painting, to find out...
-- Robert Motherwell -
Every man is the painter and the sculptor of his own life.
-- Saint John Chrysostom -
An editor is like a painter. There is a magic in that.
-- Sam Rockwell -
Train yourself: It is not by accident an artist becomes a good painter.
-- Sergei Bongart -
Once you set out to copy another painter you can never be more than number two.
-- Sergei Bongart -
Picabia is a very old painter who some people try to connect me to, but I refuse such comparisons very well.
-- Sigmar Polke -
I see [my pen] as an extension of my musculature. It's like being a painter. It's the closest I can get to my breath.
-- Spalding Gray -
I photograph like a documentarian, but I print like a painter
-- Todd Hido -
I started out to be a painter and was born into the theater.
-- Vincente Minnelli -
Dali was the great painter then and surrealism was a way of life.
-- Vincente Minnelli -
The love of gain never made a painter; but it has marred many.
-- Washington Allston -
I haven't the slightest idea what art is, but to be a painter is something of which you have to prove.
-- Wayne Thiebaud -
To be a landscape painter is to be a perverse individual.
-- Wolf Kahn -
I'm a painter, that's what I love to do first and foremost.
-- Chali 2na -
I can picture things, like a painter would, though Im not good at painting, either.
-- Donald O'Connor -
I wish I could do something else, I wish I was an amazing painter or a brain surgeon or something, but it's just what it's been.
-- Erol Alkan -
All the earth colours of the painter's palette are out there in the many miles of badlands.
-- Georgia O'Keeffe -
I had an amazing instructor, Joseph Gotto , who, as a painter, spoke to me as it - he didn't condescend.
-- Kehinde Wiley -
Generally paintings are about technique, but I don't see myself as a painter. I am more of a storyteller and an image - maker.
-- Nir Hod -
If I were a painter, you'd be calling me Shaqcasso.
-- Shaquille O'Neal -
I am primarily an oil painter and a studio painter, so originally I was going to do an oil painting.
-- Tatyana Fazlalizadeh -
I was a very hard-edged geometric painter, strongly influenced by [Piet] Mondrian and [Theo] van Doesburg and that sort of thing.
-- Warren MacKenzie -
Bernard [Leach] was, as I said , trained as a painter and an etcher.
-- Warren MacKenzie -
We must, like a painter, take time to stand back from our work, to be still, and thus see what's what. . . True repose is standing back to survey the activities that fill our days.
-- William McNamara -
You can't be both a painter and a musician and master anything. You can't. And live a life.
-- Brian Chippendale -
When you do music, your friends are writers, actors, painters. It's all under the sameroof. So anything creative is interesting to me.
-- Alison Mosshart -
I'm an abstract painter not just for myself, but because I really believe in abstraction.
-- Brice Marden -
The painter’s instrument is his armchair.
-- Edouard Vuillard -
The good painter is the one who buries a color every day.
-- Roger Bissiere