Donald Trump's message to people is that he's a disruptive force that can descend into Washington as a nonpolitician and try to change some of the morass that happens in Washington.
The motion picture is the people's Art.
When I'm on stage, I'm not me playing me. I'm somebody else doing me. I could never go on stage and be like, "Hey, I'm Mike Tyson. My mother and father was in the sex industry." That's the politically correct way to say it, but I would really say, "My mother and father were pimps and whores. This is my life." I could never do that as Mike Tyson. Because I'd feel sorry for myself. But if I could be objective about it and be somebody else, portraying Mike Tyson, saying this story, then it's easy sailing.
No adolescent ever wants to be understood, which is why they complain about being misunderstood all the time.
Ultra high speed slow mo
If at first you don't succeed, C4
When Art struggles, it succeeds; when revelling in its own successes, it as singularly fails.
Nor yet be overeager in pursuit of any thing; for the mercurial too often happen to leave judgment behind them, and sometimes make work for repentance.
I think the Mussolinean institution of a third way alternative to comunism is currently still very relevant.
I want to write about grown-up things.