Vibrations famous quotes
Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.
-- Albert Einstein -
The music is a vibration in the brain rather than the ear.
-- Amy Clampitt -
Sorrow is one of the vibrations that prove the fact of living.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
Your intuitive factor is what picks up other peoples vibration
-- Bob Proctor -
They say sound is vibration and it got my mind shaking/ Can you feel it vibrating? I call it Vibe Ratings
-- Capital STEEZ -
We don't know where the markets are going....we have to observe what's going down, see the trends, look at every vibration on the market, prepare the technology and jump when consumers start to think one way or the other
-- Carlos Ghosn -
When we read, we are not looking for new ideas, but to see our own thoughts given the seal of confirmation on the printed page. The words that strike us are those that awake an echo in a zone we have already made our own—the place where we live—and the vibration enables us to find fresh starting points within ourselves
-- Cesare Pavese -
The vibrations of mental forces are the finest and consequently the most powerful in existence.
-- Charles F. Haanel -
As seismologists gained more experience from earthquake records, it became obvious that the problem could not be reduced to a single peak acceleration. In fact, a full frequency of vibrations occurs.
-- Charles Francis Richter -
If words don't have vibration behind them, and a real feeling behind them, then they're just words
-- Charlotte Rampling -
If I vibrate with vibrations other than yours, must you conclude that my flesh is insensitive?
-- Claude Cahun -
You cannot perceive what you are not in the vibration of.
-- Darryl Anka -
I think people who vibrate at the same frequency, vibrate toward each other. They call it - in science - sympathetic vibrations.
-- Erykah Badu -
If you examine your history, you cannot help but repeat it! Law of Attraction says it is so: 'Whatever I am looking at, I am including in my vibration.'
-- Esther Hicks -
No one can deny you or grant you anything. It all comes to you by virtue of your vibration.
-- Esther Hicks -
The degree of consciousness corresponds to the degree of density or the speed of vibrations. The denser the matter, the less conscious it is.
-- G. I. Gurdjieff -
Music sets up certain vibration which unquestionably results in a physical reaction. Eventually the proper vibration for every person will be found and utilized.
-- George Gershwin -
Vibration is always good. Sitting on top of the washing machine thats going.
-- Gillian Anderson -
Vibration is at the heart of nature. Music allows us to feel it.
-- Glenn Kurtz -
What science cannot declare, art can suggest; what art suggests silently, poetry speaks aloud; but what poetry fails to explain in words, music can express. Whoever knows the mystery of vibrations indeed knows all things.
-- Hazrat Inayat Khan -
If death is this brilliant slide, this high, fine music felt as pure vibration, this plunging float in wind and silence, it's not so bad.
-- Jayne Anne Phillips -
One positive thought produces millions of positive vibrations.
-- John Coltrane -
With bass, especially bottom end, the vibration has to happen on stage otherwise the feel is wrong. This is why you can't scale the equipment down too far.
-- John Entwistle -
I'm in tune with the right vibrations in the universe when I'm in the process of working.
-- Louise Berliawsky Nevelson -
Color is all. When color is right, form is right. Color is everything, color is vibration like music; everything is vibration.
-- Marc Chagall -
Color is vibration like music; everything is vibration.
-- Marc Chagall -
People with heavy physical vibrations rule the world.
-- Margaret Caroline Anderson -
Truth is like heat or light; its vibrations are endless, and are endlessly felt.
-- Margaret Deland -
It's likely that only vibrations of love and gratitude appear in nature, and observations of nature shows this to be true.
-- Masaru Emoto -
It's time to press the Reset button! Reset the vibration. Change your words to change the vibration.
-- Michael Losier -
The big difference between human happiness and sadness? Thirty-seven freakin' vibrations.
-- Michael Tilson Thomas -
Every human brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of thought.
-- Napoleon Hill -
I know for sure that appreciating whatever shows up for you in life changes your personal vibration. You radiate and generate more goodness for yourself when you're aware of all you have and not focusing on your have-nots.
-- Oprah Winfrey -
Thought is the primary energy and vibration that emanated from God and is thus the creator of life, electrons, atoms, and all forms of energy.
-- Paramahansa Yogananda -
Color which, like music, is a matter of vibrations, reaches what is most general and therefore most indefinable in nature: its inner power.
-- Paul Gauguin -
I am convinced that there are universal currents of Divine Thought vibrating the ether everywhere and that any who can feel these vibrations is inspired.
-- Richard Wagner -
Only when the clamor of the outside world is silenced will you be able to hear the deeper vibration. Listen carefully.
-- Sarah Ban Breathnach -
Black and white are absolute...expressing the most delicate vibration, the most profound tranquility, and unlimited profundity.
-- Shiko Munakata -
I could be whatever I wanted to be if I trusted that music, that song, that vibration of God that was inside of me.
-- Shirley MacLaine -
The mind is vast in its combinations of time, space and form. It contains every vibration from subtle to gross.
-- Sivaya Subramuniyaswami -
I urge you all, fervently I urge you, to state unto the universe, unto the multiverse: I AM, I AM, I AM! I am life. I am God. I AM. As you state the knowingness within your breast, you raise your frequency. The vibration of I AM will begin to pulsate within you.
-- St. Germain -
To me, there is spirit in a reed. It's a living thing, a weed, really, and it does contain spirit of a sort. It's really an ancient vibration.
-- Steve Lacy -
Music is the celestial sound, and it is sound that controls the whole universe, not atomic vibrations. Sound energy, sound power, is much, much greater than any other power in the world.
-- Swami Satchidananda -
There is always a delightful sense of movement, vibration and life.
-- Theodore Robinson -
Too many bright colors make for congestion. Too many bright colors need, above all, contrast in value, to eliminate vibration.
-- Van Day Truex -
To express a marriage of two complementary colors, their mingling and their opposition, the mysterious vibrations of kindred tones...
-- Vincent Van Gogh -
The presence of an active, energetic, successful man, or set of men, in a place, will permeate the place with positive vibrations that will stimulate all who abide there.
-- William Walker Atkinson -
Distance doesn't exist, in fact, and neither does time. Vibrations from love or music can be felt everywhere, at all times.
-- Yoko Ono -
It was the same way with silence. This was more than silence. A deaf person can feel vibrations. Here there was nothing to feel.
-- Madeleine L'Engle -
Music is everything; without it, we [people] are nothing. We're just living vibrations of molecular tinglings, and without music we'd explode into nothing and go down a quantum hole.
-- Ron Rothfield -
The spirit world speaks to us through the heart. The more we open our hearts and raise our own vibrations, the easier the connection.
-- Suzanne Giesemann -
Particular nuisances (are) smoke, sewage odours, dust and similar aerosols, and vibrations.
-- Yehuda Levi -
Music is human vibration. It makes humans vibrate and takes them someplace else.
-- Abderrahmane Sissako -
It's good to remember often, every day, that you are not a physical creature in a physical universe; but a non-physical consciousness vibrating at a certain frequency. You are Consciousness having a state of being, that's it. Everything else you perceive is simply an illusory crystallization of your chosen vibration. You are the Creator of your life, in this way.
-- Bentinho -
The surprise with which a detective novel concludes should set up tragic vibrations which run backward through the entire structure.
-- Ross Macdonald -
String Theory describes energy and matter as being composed of tiny, wiggling strands of energy that look like strings. And the pitch of a string's vibration determines the nature of its effect.
-- Roy H. Williams