Amy Clampitt famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Some people are ok with doing nothing all day after they retire, but then some people if they had nothing to do would go mad and start banging their heads against a wall. .

  • You, mad to expect repentance,Tear your robe all you want;I will never repent!

  • Too much philosophy makes men mad.

  • People say I am mad. I am not mad. I am trying to heal my soul.

  • The bullet is a mad thing, only the bayonet knows what it is about.

  • People should be left to believe what they like, so long as they harm no one else. Apart from normal expectations of politeness, it is not however clear why people should require their personal beliefs to be treated with special sensitivity by others, to the point that if others fail to tip-toe respectfully around them they will start throwing bombs.

  • So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it and give it expressive meaning.

  • You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.

  • I've learned one important lesson in my life, and I'm going to share it with you. Don't worry about bad things that haven't happened yet. It will save you a lot of anxiety.

  • The feeling that was born that night, how could i describe it?Words like love or lust just don't seem right. I may call it jealousy, or may be anxiety and moreover, need. Even now I'm anxious at times because when I am with Ren, everything around feels like a dream. That was how Ren turned my boring life into an illusion, and that was too much for no matter how hard i tried, it seemed I could never catch him.