Funny Money famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • The harder we look at our aches and ailments, the more we will be startled by the painful truths they are trying to convey about our dangerously disembodied way of life.

  • I just gravitated toward (working behind the scenes by) growing up on the different sets and watching my father and other people in their different capacities...When I was 13 years old, I asked for a Super 8 camera.

  • Maybe no one can know how it is for anyone else.

  • When you go to plant a flag on the visiting team's field, it's a form of taunting, .. What message are you sending when you spear it into the turf of your defeated opponent?.

  • We've lost a lot of our great stars. I can't hang out with those who aren't here. The phone service to heaven is so bad, you know. But I get to visit with their memories.

  • But one must go where one's road leads, even when it's a distressing road.

  • I think you should not limit yourself to dating somebody older or younger.

  • I never thought I was going to have children. I just thought after 45, that was it.

  • I remember thinking to myself that I missed the fun and excitement after leaving the corporate world to work at home. Seek camaraderie through networking. Schedule time for it; if you don't, you'll never make it.

  • Avoidance behavior is a response designed to protect the infant from behavioral disorganization. If we transfer this concept to adult life, we can see that an avoidant infant might very well develop into a person whose principal need was to find some kind of meaning and order in life which was not entirely, or even chiefly, dependent upon interpersonal relationships