Lana Del Rey famous quotes
Even if you're the best singer in the world, there's a good chance no one will ever hear you.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Do you know how expensive it is to look this cheap?
-- Lana Del Rey -
It's not like I think my art is inspirations from icons strung together. They're just sort of people who others talk about. I am definitely interested in the masters of different genres, they're talented and popular for a reason.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I was, you know, a mess. I totally wanted to kill myself every day.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I sort of do what I say and say what I do which I'm happy with because it makes my life real easy. When I was younger, people would say that I was inspired by David Lynch, so I went and watched his stuff and I was surprised. I thought it was smart, with what I was trying to do lyrically. So I started watching some of his stuff. I've never seen his movies in [their] entirety, I'm more interested in him as a person and how he came to be successful taking an alternative route, sort of a subculture icon.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I pretend I'm not hurt, I walk about the world like I'm having fun.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I was never successful in a noteworthy way, no one wrote about me, and I didn't have recognition. I've met a lot of musicians along the way who thought I was good, and they knew that was important to me. Having a simple career as a musician who liked music was good enough for me.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I lost my reputation, I forgot my truth. But I have my beauty and I have my youth.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I entered a songwriting competition, I didn't win, and one of the judges on the panel was an A&R man at a record label that had no other acts and I signed to them. We sent my demo out to five people and David Kahne got back to me that day, and said I think you're amazing I want to start with you tomorrow. He was like my Harvard reach school, I couldn't believe it. I was really excited. It was the first time anyone of any importance said I was good and I ran with that validation for a long time.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I'm more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what's going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I already have success. I had it a long time ago. It's nothing to do with my music. Music is secondary, at this point. The good stuff is really good, but I have success because I'm at peace and I'm a good person in my everyday life and that's important.
-- Lana Del Rey -
When I found somebody who I fell in love with, it made me feel different than I felt the rest of the day. It was electrifying.
-- Lana Del Rey -
New York's architecture alone is enough to inspire a whole album. In fact, that's what happened at first - my early stuff was mostly just interpretations of landscapes.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I'd been sick on tour for about two years with this medical anomaly that doctors couldn't figure out. That's a big part of my life: I just feel really sick a lot of the time and can't figure out why. I'd gotten these shots in Russia, where we'd just been. It was just heavy. It's just heavy performing for people who really care about you, and you don't really care that much about yourself sometimes.
-- Lana Del Rey -
My understanding of God has come from my own personal experiences. Because I was in trouble so many times in New York that if you were me, you would believe in God too.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I've making videos since I was seventeen I was originally discollecting vintage hmmm... footages from different archives and setting moving pictures to classical music clips that meant a lot to me. Maybe there were places I have been where nice things have happened. I had a vision of making my life a work of art and I was looking for people who also felt that way.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I suppose my approach to religion is like my approach to music - I take what I want and leave the rest.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Find someone who has a life that you want and figure out how they got it. Read books, pick your role models wisely. Find out what they did and do it.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I think that plain old intellectualism [can be] a more powerful force than the idea of the femme fatale.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Having a simple career as a musician who liked music was good enough for me.
-- Lana Del Rey -
With some of the bad things that come with love, there's also a lot of good. For example that connection... which I struggle to have with most people.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Fashion is inspired by youth and nostalgia and draws inspiration from the best of the past.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Pick your role models wisely, find out what they did and do it.
-- Lana Del Rey -
it takes getting everything you ever wanted and then losing it, to know what true freedom is
-- Lana Del Rey -
Sometimes I wish I was a beautiful machine so I could resist your kiss and not cry when you're mean.
-- Lana Del Rey -
My songs are cinematic so they seem to reference a glamorous era or fetishize certain lifestyles, but that's not my aim.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I once had a dreams of becoming a beautiful poet, but upon an unfortunate series of events some of those dreams dashed and divided like a million stars in the night sky that I wished on over and over again, sparkling and broken. But I didn't really mind, because I knew that it takes getting everything you ever wanted, and then losing it to know what true freedom is.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I'd liked my first record, it was autobiographical and beautiful.
-- Lana Del Rey -
My idea of a true feminist is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Sometimes, love feels like a life or death situation. Losing true love is pretty much as bad as it gets, other than actually dying or losing good health. Most people know that. Most people can relate. It's like the end of the world.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I believe that there is no doubts about who I am, an artist who loves music, above everything.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I love to sing and I really love to write, but in terms of being onstage, I'm not that comfortable.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I believe nothing happens by mistake. You know, the universe has a divine plan. That sounds dramatic.
-- Lana Del Rey -
My parents were lovely. They've always been supportive. When you love your child, you don't know what to do with someone who wants to do what no one else does successfully. If I had someone younger I loved, I'd be worried for them too if I didn't have guidance to give them.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I write my own songs. I made my own videos. I pick my producers. Nothing goes out without my permission. It's all authentic.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I lived where I could and studied what I enjoyed studying. I took what I wanted from that education but was making my first record at the same time.
-- Lana Del Rey -
God has saved me a million times, so I think He mustve enjoyed my song.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I was always a singer, it was nothing anyone planned on me doing for real, because it's an unusual thing. I was just sort of saying, even having modest ambitions to have a small career at singing, it's still really difficult to do that. Everyone wants to sing or act or whatever.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I want to find someone who's really magnetic but who isn't going to do anything bad to me. It's hard.
-- Lana Del Rey -
When things get bad enough, your only resort is to lie in bed and start praying.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Love is strange, sometimes it makes you crazy, it can burn or break you down.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Being an entrepreneur doesn't make you a rich tycoon and being an innovator doesn't mean that you're successful. It just means that you're interesting.
-- Lana Del Rey -
People have offered me opportunities in exchange for sleeping with them. But it's not 1952 anymore.
-- Lana Del Rey -
When I was younger I felt lonely. In terms of my thought processes. I had the constant feeling that I thought differently to everyone around me. So, I suppose I felt lonely for a home. I didn't know where I wanted to be, but I knew I wasn't there yet.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I believe in the kindness of strangers. And when I'm at war with myself I ride, I just ride.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I've been reading tabloids since I was nine. I love a good story.
-- Lana Del Rey -
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger is so not true. You know what makes you stronger? When people treat you & your art with dignity.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I don't even do anything in real life. I just sit in my studio and write, I call my friends, I watch television. I don't do anything.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I found it hard to make friends in school, because I was a cerebral person.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I was a different sort of child, as half the children are. I was in that category of being free-spirited.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone. Who had nothing, who wanted everything.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I wish I could escape into some alter-ego, just so I could feel more comfortable onstage.
-- Lana Del Rey -
The angels decided to shine on me for a little while.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I know now that it's really important to feel beautiful. There is a power to that.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I learned that there's no reason why people decide they like music when they do.
-- Lana Del Rey -
We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I'm not trying to create an image or a persona. I'm just singing because that's what I know how to do.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Being brave means knowing that when you fail, you don't fail forever.
-- Lana Del Rey -
What other people think of me is none of my business. Sometimes, it hurts my feelings, but I have to just keep going.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I wanted to be part of a high-class scene of musicians. It was half-inspired because I didn't have many friends, and I was hoping that I would meet people and fall in love and start a community around me, the way they used to do in the '60s.
-- Lana Del Rey -
When I found somebody who I fell in love with, it made me feel different than I felt the rest of the day. It was electrifying. That's what inspired the 'Off to the Races' melodies. That's one of the times when you're feeling electrified by someone else and they make you happy to be alive.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I believe in Amy Winehouse. I know she’s not with us anymore but I believe she was who she was and in that way she got it right. I would say an actress like Lauren Bacall also got it right. She never let anyone [persuade] her to be something she wasn't. She was strong. She always looked like she knew what she was doing.
-- Lana Del Rey -
When I walk outside, people have something to say about it.
-- Lana Del Rey -
This is what makes us girls/ We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first.
-- Lana Del Rey -
My baby lives in shades of blue, blue eyes and jazz and attitude.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Life is a velvet crowbar hitting you over the head, youre bleeding syrup amour, bleeding to death.
-- Lana Del Rey -
When I was very young I was sort of floored by the fact that my mother and my father and everyone I knew was going to die one day, and myself too. I had a sort of a philosophical crisis. I couldn't believe that we were mortal.
-- Lana Del Rey -
If my choice is to, I don’t know, be with a lot of men, or if I enjoy a really physical relationship, I don’t think that’s necessarily being anti-feminist. For me the argument of feminism never really should have come into the picture. Because I don’t know too much about the history of feminism, and so I’m not really a relevant person to bring into the conversation. Everything I was writing was so autobiographical, it could really only be a personal analysis.
-- Lana Del Rey -
If you are born an artist, you have no choice but to fight to stay an artist.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I'm not really interested in a ton of female musicians but there is something about Britney that compelled me - the way she sings and just the way she looks.
-- Lana Del Rey -
It’s about a singer who first sneered about my allegedly not authentic style but later she stole and copied it. And now she’s acting like I am the art project and she the true super artist. My God and people actually believe her, she’s successful! I shouldn't continue ranting, it doesn’t get anywhere.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I'm happy when things are just kind of calm. I love going to the ocean. I love driving. I love going to shows. Just being with people I really have fun with. I love the summer. I'm happy in the summer. Love hot, hot weather. I'm happy when I'm making a record, most of the time.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I'm feelin' electric tonight Cruising down the coast goin' 'bout 99 Got my bad baby by my heavenly side I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight
-- Lana Del Rey -
A lot of the reason my look is the way it is, is because it's really easy to put on a sundress every night if I have to perform - or just wear jeans every day and a flannel or something.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Me and God we don't get along.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I regret trusting The Guardian. I didn't want to do an interview, but the journalist was persistent. [The writer] was masked as a fan, but was hiding sinister ambitions and angles. Maybe he's actually the boring one looking for something interesting to write about.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I mainly let my imagination be my reality. Fantasy is my reality.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Every now and then the stars align, Boy and girl meet by the great design, Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones? Everybody told me love was blind, Then I saw your face and you blew my mind, Finally you and me are the lucky ones, this time
-- Lana Del Rey -
Life is beautiful, but you don't have a clue.
-- Lana Del Rey -
No matter how many people give me advice, I am going to do what my heart tells me to do
-- Lana Del Rey -
In New York I pretty much live in diners - I order French Fries, Diet Coke floats and lots of coffee.
-- Lana Del Rey -
A lot of the time when I write about the person that I love, I feel like I'm writing about New York.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I'm personally more struck by visual things more than musical.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Body Electric... It is the first song from my new short film called #‎ Tropico that is coming out in the end of the month.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer, life imitates art.
-- Lana Del Rey -
I’ve been really blessed to have a lot of romance in my life. It’s like my last luxury.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Synchronicites . It's been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. Synchronicities are a sign of divinity. You breathe in deeply and say: 'I don't want anything. I'm going to let things happen'
-- Lana Del Rey -
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I've got nothing but my aching soul?
-- Lana Del Rey -
The road is long, we carry on, try to have fun in the meantime.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry. Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why.
-- Lana Del Rey -
Walking through the city streets... Is it by mistake or design?
-- Lana Del Rey
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