Tesla famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • If we don't start thinking big about the CO2 problem, we may miss our opportunity to stop a climate runaway that will trash the habitable parts of the earth.

  • American humor ... is not subtle. It is something that makes you laugh the moment you hear it, you have not to think a scrap.

  • I used to be indecisive but now I am not quite sure

  • I'm very fortunate that I get asked to do very different kinds of roles and I realize how much I enjoy that. I enjoy the challenge of transformation. There are actors who play one character, or a certain kind of character, the whole of their lives. I really relish the opportunity to have the challenge to totally transform.

  • There is that great proverb — that until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.

  • I don’t think a naked body is particularly shocking or interesting. . . . It’s not the culture I was raised in. I was not brought up in the United States. I don’t share the [attitude] that you can have graphic violence, but — God forbid — you see someone’s nipples.

  • Nothing improves your confidence and brings a team together more than winning a cup.

  • I've always been fascinated with the strong emotional ties that music can have. A song can bring you back to a place or a season of life like no other art form can.

  • I like to isolate myself when I work because I end up losing my voice by doing interviews all day.

  • Jewish Alzheimer's is forgetting everything except a grudge.