Martial famous quotes
Conceal a flaw, and the world will imagine the worst.
-- Martial -
Why do strong arms fatigue themselves with frivolous dumbbells? To dig a vineyard is worthier exercise for men.
-- Martial -
It is feeling and force of imagination that make us eloquent.
-- Martial -
Virtue extends our days: he lives two lives who relives his past with pleasure.
-- Martial -
Your page stands against you and says to you that you are a thief.
-- Martial -
Short is the life of those who possess great accomplishments, and seldom do they reach a good old age. Whatever thou lovest, pray that thou mayest not set too high a value on it.
-- Martial -
You puff the poets of other days, The living you deplore. Spare me the accolade: your praise Is not worth dying for.
-- Martial -
The flaw which is hidden is deemed greater than it is.
-- Martial -
You give me nothing during your life, but you promise to provide for me at your death. If you are not a fool, you know what I wish for!
-- Martial -
See, how the liver is swollen larger than a fat goose! In amazement you will exclaim: Where could this possibly grow?
-- Martial -
You praise, in three hundred verses, Sabellus, the baths of Ponticus, who gives such excellent dinners. You wish to dine, Sabellus, not to bathe.
-- Martial -
Red-haired, black-lipped, club-footed, and blink-eyed; if you're a good man, you're a wonder!
-- Martial -
He who thinks that the lives of Priam and of Nestor were long is much deceived and mistaken. Life consists not in living, but in enjoying health.
-- Martial -
A good man doubles the length of his existence; to have lived so as to look back with pleasure on our past existence is to live twice.
-- Martial -
Wish to be what you are, and wish for no other position.
-- Martial -
Remember, cobbler, to keep to your leather. [Lat., Memento, in pellicula, cerdo, tenere tuo.]
-- Martial -
To be able to enjoy one's past life is to live twice.
-- Martial -
To have nothing is not poverty. [Lat., Non est paupertas, Nestor, habere nihil.]
-- Martial -
You complain, friend Swift, of the length of my epigrams, but you yourself write nothing. Yours are shorter.
-- Martial -
Some good, some so-so, and lots plain bad: that's how a book of poems is made, my Friend.
-- Martial -
Epigrams need no crier, but are content with their own tongue.
-- Martial -
If fame is to come only after death, I am in no hurry for it.
-- Martial -
Believing hear, what you deserve to hear: Your birthday as my own to me is dear... But yours gives most; for mine did only lend Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend.
-- Martial -
You're obstinate, pliant, merry, morose, all at once. For me there's no living with you, or without you.
-- Martial
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