Stan Laurel famous quotes


  • Funerals are important rituals. They don't just recognize that a life has ended; they recognize that a life was lived.

  • There is but one freedom, To put oneself right with death. After that everything is possible. I cannot force you to believe in God. Believing in God amounts to coming to terms with death. When you have accepted death, the problem of God will be solved, and not the reverse.

  • When you're at your own parents' funeral, when you're at somebody that you love's funeral, you realize how precious life is. And you say, "As long as I can walk and I'm healthy, there's always tomorrow."

  • It's important to attend funerals. It is important to view the body, they say, and to see it committed to earth or fire because unless you do that, the loved one dies for you again and again.

  • That moment I felt a bit like crying. I don't really know why. Nana's hand felt so warm that it even warmed my heart.

  • I wanted to cry, but I realized that I was too old for that. I would be a woman soon and I would have to learn how to live with a divided heart.

  • Now everyone has a license to speak, it’s a question of who gets heard.

  • When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out.

  • Speak the language of the person you want to become.

  • The Bible is not primarily a science book. It is not written to tell us how the heavens go; it is written to tell us how to go to heaven. But when it speaks on science, it is accurate.