Anesthesia famous quotes


  • Emotional abuse is any type of abuse that is not physical in nature. It can include everything from verbal abuse to the silent treatment, domination to subtle manipulation.

  • I ask myself: is every story that has ever been written in this world, a story of suffering and affliction?

  • You need to keep reminding yourself that you are a Divine piece of God. Feeling as if you're unworthy of God's abundance is the same as denying your spiritual essence.

  • You know I'm proud that I was able to develop and produce movies that I wanted to make.

  • It was the first smile of my life. Of course, that is a ridiculous thing to say; I had been smiled at often, the big man had smiled at me not a minute since. And yet I say: it was the first smile, because it was the first that ever went straight into me like a needle too thin to be seen.

  • When a woman dislikes the man who is courting her, she parries him cleverly, like a willow in the wind.

  • I know it's important to do more than just complain when there's something you don't like. You need to try to do something about it, or you're nothing but a whiner.

  • I've been sent down to the minor leagues six or seven times in my career. You've just got to have that stability. It's huge. It's comforting. And it's reassuring. To be part of something in this world that's constantly changing like baseball, it's awesome to have your hope anchored in something that's so stable.

  • Death by evaporation. May the saltwater wind that gets shot out of a barreling wave blow me away like an old puffy dandelion into the sky.

  • Eventually there are going to be cities in space.