Assembly famous quotes
52 minutes ago
A World Parliamentary Assembly functioning outside the United Nations, or a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly set up as a subsidiary body of the General Assembly pursuant to article 22 of the UN Charter, could start initially as a consultative body and gradually develop into a legislative assembly.
-- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas -
Kings govern by popular assemblies only when they cannot do without them.
-- Charles James Fox -
I have a lot of hope for the Constituent Assembly.
-- Evo Morales -
There never was an assembly of men, charged with a great and arduous trust, who were more pure in their motives, or more exclusively or anxiously devoted to the object committed to them.
-- James Madison -
Every numerous assembly is a mob; everything there depends on instantaneous turns.
-- Jean Francois Paul de Gondi -
I was allowed to ring the bell for five minutes until everyone was in assembly. It was the beginning of power.
-- Jeffrey Archer -
One would think that the larger the company is in which we are engaged, the greater variety of thoughts and subjects would be started into discourse; but, instead of this we find that conversation is never so much straightened and confined, as in numerous assemblies.
-- Joseph Addison -
If you're opposed to the budget I submitted to the General Assembly, you're for a tax increase.
-- Matt Blunt -
I'm a knitter. My projects are the ultimate in 'some assembly required.
-- Stephanie Pearl-McPhee -
One cannot walk through an assembly factory and not feel that one is in Hell.
-- W. H. Auden -
Every wanton and causeless restraint of the will of the subject, whether practiced by a monarch, a nobility, or a popular assembly, is a degree of tyranny.
-- William Blackstone -
I've been going around the world; I've been to China, I sang at the General Assembly, the Security Council.
-- Robert Davi -
Recipes are not assembly manuals. Recipes are guides and suggestions for a process that is infinitely nuanced. Recipes are sheet music.
-- Michael Ruhlman -
I started out with machine code and assembly language.
-- Charles Petzold