Usual famous quotes
As for the Jews, their explanation of anti-Semitism is more characteristic yet. In addition to the usual cliche, "with hatred and savagery" - naturally with no motive, they do not care to discuss motives - according to them, anti-Semitism is a madness, an intellectual degeneration, an affliction of the spirit.
-- A. C. Cuza -
The answer is to end our reliance on carbon-based fuels... If we succeed, we create booming new industries, wealth, clean secure energy and maybe we prevent the greatest disaster so far in human history, saving millions of lives while improving billions more. If we fail, basically it's business as usual while things slowly get worse all around us.
-- Al Gore -
Lampard, as usual, arrived in the nick of time, but it wasn't quite soon enough.
-- Alan Parry -
Pose a political threat to Business As Usual, and sooner or later, mostly sooner, someone will try to kill you.
-- Alexander Cockburn -
A garden, you know, is a very usual refuge of a disappointed politician. Accordingly, I have purchased a few acres about nine miles from town, have built a house, and am cultivating a garden.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
There’s something insupportable about being pissed with the one person on this planet that sends your adrenaline flowing to remind you that you’re alive. It’s almost like we’re mad because we’ve been shocked out of our usual comatose state of being by feeling something for someone, for ourselves, for just a moment.
-- Ana Castillo -
So far, she’d been her usual lame self: solitary and routine-loving, carefully avoiding any path that might lead to spontaneous human interaction. Lena Kaligaris
-- Ann Brashares -
When I'm doing a book tour in the States, I'll wake up in the room sometimes in an anonymous chain hotel, and I don't know where I am right away. I'll go to the window, and it doesn't help there either, especially if you're in an anonymous strip and it's the usual Victoria's Secret, Gap, Chili's, Applebee's.
-- Anthony Bourdain -
In the potential of absurdity, hiding in the disparate combination of the various different subjects which in themselves are nothing but daily items equally in the exclusive representation of a normal item taken out of their usual context , is by far the most radical - in its effect comparable to a Japanese Zen koan - paradox to be witnessed, which modern art has produced, one of the most forceful impulses that generated from it.
-- Antoni Tapies -
I decided as usual that justice lay in the middle - that is to say nowhere.
-- Antonia Fraser -
But it is necessary to insist more strongly than usual that what I am putting before you is a model-the Bohr model atom-because later I shall take you to a profounder level of representation in which the electron instead of being confined to a particular locality is distributed in a sort of probability haze all over the atom.
-- Arthur Eddington -
The usual way the people are taught to think in amerika is that each subject is in a little compartment and has no relation to any other subject. For the most part, we receive fragments of unrelated knowledge, and our education follows no logical format or pattern. It is exactly this kind of education that produces people who don’t have the ability to think for themselves and who are easily manipulated.
-- Assata Shakur -
The Q I loathe and despise, the Q every single writer I know loathes and despises, is this one: 'Where,' the reader asks, 'do you get your ideas?' It's a simple question, and my usual response is a kind of helpless, 'I don't know.'
-- Ayelet Waldman -
A novel is not moral in the usual sense of the word. It can be called moral when it shakes us out of our stupor and makes us confront the absolutes we believe in.
-- Azar Nafisi -
The more usual reason for adopting a strategy of limited aim is that of awaiting a change in the balance of force ... The essential condition of such a strategy is that the drain on him should be disproportionately greater than on oneself.
-- B. H. Liddell Hart -
And I have exposed myself to art so that my work has something beyond just the usual potter.
-- Beatrice Wood -
We are not interested in the unusual, but in the usual seen unusually.
-- Beaumont Newhall -
In vain we shall penetrate more and more deeply the secrets of the structure of the human body, we shall not dupe nature; we shall die as usual.
-- Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle -
Adventure is something out of the usual pattern, a point at which you cannot avoid confronting the unknown, so that you have to dig inside yourself to find the courage and resources to deal with what may lie ahead, and to succeed.
-- Bertrand Piccard -
How much do they be paying you?" he asked mellowly. "The usual salary. A little more than they think I'm worth and a little less than I think I'm worth.
-- Betty Smith -
A good writer refuses to be socialized. He insists on his own version of things, his own consciousness. And by doing so he draws the reader's eye from its usual groove into a new way of seeing things.
-- Bill Barich -
Mixing pop and politics he asks me what the use is / I offer him embarrassment and my usual excuses.
-- Billy Bragg -
The manner in which Epictetus, Montaigne, and Salomon de Tultie wrote, is the most usual, the most suggestive, the most remembered, and the oftener quoted; because it is entirely composed of thoughts born from the common talk of life.
-- Blaise Pascal -
The Iraq war was fought by one-half of one percent of us. And unless we were part of that small group or had a relative who was, we went about our lives as usual most of the time: no draft, no new taxes, no changes. Not so for the small group who fought the war and their families.
-- Bob Schieffer -
This is not the time for partisan bickering. This is not the time for politics as usual. Some of us are Democrats. Some of us are Republicans. Some of us are Independents. Above all, we must be Oklahomans first.
-- Brad Henry -
The usual rejoinder to someone who says 'They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Galileo' is to say 'But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown'.
-- Carl Sagan -
Nobody had noticed, nobody had paid attention, but, as usual, the essential part of the matter had been settled before the story had begun, and by then it was too late.
-- Carlos Ruiz Zafon -
Summer, as my friend Coleridge waggishly writes, has set in with its usual severity.
-- Charles Lamb -
Before any great achievement, some measure of depression is very usual.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
I went to the Senate, accomplished nothing as usual.
-- Clara Barton -
Accept that your life is going on beyond your usual understanding.
-- Dainin Katagiri -
When you're doing a deal with someone in the southern Sahara, it's a very different way of doing business than in London. You can't sign them in the usual way because they'd end up getting ripped off, which would defeat the object of setting up a label like this
-- Damon Albarn -
And there is a time where you can be beyond yourself. You can be better than your technique. You can be better than most of your usual ideas. And this is a whole other category that you can get into.
-- Dave Brubeck -
Lisp doesn't look any deader than usual to me.
-- David Thornley -
Antidepressants. The thought of this girl actually being depressed made me want to grab the whole planet and throw it into the sun. Well, more than usual anyway.
-- David Wong -
The usual cause of evil in the world is that at any given time half the people in the world are awake.
-- Dean Rusk -
I was wandering around as usual, in my unpleasantly populated sub-conscious...
-- Dodie Smith -
If people keep buying poorly designed products, manufacturers and designers will think they are doing the right thing and continue as usual.
-- Donald A. Norman -
Creeping featurism is a disease, fatal if not treated promptly. There are some cures, but, as usual, the best approach is to practice preventative medicine.
-- Donald A. Norman -
Take me or leave me; or, as is the usual order of things, both.
-- Dorothy Parker -
Let me ask you outright, gentle reader, if there have not been hours, indeed whole days and weeks of your life, during which all your usual activities were painfully repugnant, and everything you believed in and valued seemed foolish and worthless?
-- E. T. A. Hoffmann -
Men are too unstable to be just; they are crabbed because they have not passed water at the usual time, or testy because they have not been stroked or praised.
-- Edward Dahlberg -
Everything was usual. That was depression: being stuck, clinging to an out-of-date version of oneself.
-- Edward St Aubyn -
Singularitarians are the munchkins of the real world. We just ignore all the usual dungeons and head straight for the cycle of infinite wish spells.
-- Eliezer Yudkowsky -
I do not understand how it is that financial institutions could think that they could take taxpayer money and then turn around and act like it's business as usual. I don't understand how they can't see that the world has changed in a fundamental way, that it is not business as usual when you take taxpayer dollars.
-- Elizabeth Warren -
The usual channels of university studies or secretarial work did not appeal to me. I cherished difficult dreams through confidence in myself.
-- Ella Maillart -
The voices of cold reason were talking, as usual, to deaf ears.
-- Ellis Peters -
[I]nstead of the usual "Why can't we make movies more like real life?" I think a more pertinent question is "Why can't real life be more like the movies?"
-- Ernie Pyle -
Strip away the usual hot air, and bin Laden's audiotape is the sign of a seriously weakened man.
-- Fareed Zakaria -
The world is not growing worse and it is not growing better - it is just turning around as usual.
-- Finley Peter Dunne -
Like you, I'm fed up with business as usual in Washington. Send me to Congress, and I won't tweak our broken system. I'll shut it down.
-- Francine Busby -
The camel carries on his dreary circular task with his usual slow and pompous step and head poised superciliously, as if it were a ritual affair above the comprehension of the vulgar; and no doubt he comforts himself for the dullness of life by a sense of virtue, like many other formalists beside him.
-- Freya Stark -
(1) I have told you more than I know about osteoporosis. (2) What I have told you is subject to change without notice. (3) I hope I raised more questions than I have given answers. (4) In any case, as usual, a lot more work is necessary.
-- Fuller Albright -
After a day's walk everything has twice its usual value.
-- G. M. Trevelyan -
In that way the long-awaited visit, for which both had prepared questions and had even anticipated answers, was once more the usual everyday conversation.
-- Gabriel Garcia Marquez -
The most sublime truth of all has never been stated or written or sung. Not because it is far away and can not be reached, but because it is so intimately close, closer than anything that can be spoken. It is alive as the stillness in the core of your being, too close to be described, too close to be objectified, too close to be known in the usual way of knowledge. The truth of who you are is yours already. It is already present…
-- Gangaji -
In a sacred moment, when attention is pulled inward, rather than continuing in its usual outward direction, silence is realized.
-- Gangaji -
But it doesn't have to be this way. We can do things better. We need to stop doing business as usual and start focusing on end-to-end quality. Security needs to be built in from the start - not slapped on after the fact.
-- Gene Spafford -
Friedman stumbled in, late to the seminar as usual and reeking of cigar smoke and whiskey. He hadn't read the paper being presented, and halfway through he just gets up, walks up to the podium, socks the mother****er right in the face and takes a piss all over his lecture notes.
-- George Stigler -
Nothing is impossible when we follow our inner guidance, even when its direction may threaten us by reversing our usual logic.
-- Gerald Jampolsky -
Bush is quite vulnerable if the Democrats pick the right issues. So far, though, they've shown their usual tendency to go for the capillary.
-- Glenn Reynolds -
As usual the Liberals offer a mixture of sound and original ideas. Unfortunately none of the sound ideas is original and none of the original ideas is sound.
-- Harold MacMillan -
I'm not committed as a writer, in the usual sense of the term, either religiously or politically. And I'm not conscious of any particular social function. IÂ write because IÂ want to write. I don't see any placards on myself, and I don't carry any banners.
-- Harold Pinter -
Business as usual will not be accepted by any part of this city.
-- Harold Washington -
By the usual reckoning, the worst books make the best films.
-- Iain Banks -
We got a chance to go and play in some places that the usual European tour by an American band didn't go to.
-- Jack Irons -
I continue to get further away from the usual painter's tools such as easel, palette, brushes, etc.
-- Jackson Pollock -
I reject the word 'script' entirely-at any rate in the usual sense. I prefer the old usage-usually scenario-which it had in the Commedia dell'Arte, meaning an outline or scheme: it implies a dynamism, a number of ideas and principles from which one can set out to find the best possible approach to filming.
-- Jacques Rivette -
I began plotting novels at about the time I learned to read . The story of my childhood is the usual bleak fantasy , and we can dismiss it with the restrained observation that I certainly would not consider living it again.
-- James A. Baldwin -
The climate is doing its usual tricks. There's nothing much really happening yet. We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now.
-- James Lovelock -
How was your day?" Morelli asked me. "Oh, you know, the usual. Stole a truck. Blew up a building, and brought seven monkeys home with me.
-- Janet Evanovich -
…Tell me, has anything odd happened to you recently? What do you mean, odd?' Unusual. Deviating from the customary. Something outside the usual parameters of normalcy. An occurrence of unprecedented weird.
-- Jasper Fforde -
Again Creb grunted. It was the usual noncommittal comment used by men when responding to a woman. It carried only enough meaning to indicate the woman had been understood, without acknowledging too much significance in what she said.
-- Jean M. Auel -
I am going to put myself to sleep now for a bit longer than usual. Call it Eternity
-- Jerzy Kosinski -
To act in a way both sexist and racist, to maintain one's class privilege, it is only necessary to act in the customary, ordinary, usual, even polite manner.
-- Joanna Russ -
They've been talking about Pi, which I haven't seen, they've been comparing it to Usual Suspects, Sixth Sense, and Fight Club, and I didn't see that either.
-- Joe Pantoliano -
Jerry reversed the usual formula of the superhero who goes to another planet. He put the superhero in ordinary, familiar surroundings, instead of the other way around, as was done in most science fiction. That was the first time I can recall that it had ever been done.
-- Joe Shuster -
Railing and praising were his usual themes; and both showed his judgment in extremes. Either over violent or over civil, so everyone to him was either god or devil.
-- John Dryden -
Everyone seems to be playing well within the boundaries of his usual rule set. I have yet to hear anyone say something that seemed likely to mitigate the idiocy of this age.
-- John Perry Barlow -
Reality, as usual, beats fiction out of sight.
-- Joseph Conrad -
In 1980, I published my first novel, in the usual swirl of unjustified hope and justified anxiety.
-- Julian Barnes -
When the symbols are 'public' they usually act in an oblique manner, revealing themselves as archetypal symbols, which though familiar, have their central meanings obscured as is usual in esoteric imagery.
-- Kenneth Coutts-Smith -
The Wild Wood is pretty well populated by now; with all the usual lot, good, bad, and indifferent--I name no names. It takes all sorts to make a world.
-- Kenneth Grahame -
The Millennium Development Goals can be met by 2015, but only if all involved break with business as usual and dramatically accelerate and scale up action now.
-- Kofi Annan -
There's so much more to tell about Africa than the usual stories about war, famine and disease.
-- Komla Dumor -
It was the usual sort of academic battle: footnotes at ten paces, bolstered by snide articles in academic journals and lots of sniping about methodology, a thrust and parry of source and countersource. My sources had to be better.
-- Lauren Willig -
I am evidence that you don't have to sell a lot of records or succeed in the usual way to have a big audience and a job.
-- Leo Kottke -
Listeners instinctively detect that when we lower the usual pitch of our voice, we are sad, and when we raise it, we are angry or fearful.
-- Leonard Mlodinow -
Anyone who acquires more than the usual amount of knowledge concerning a subject is bound to leave it as his contribution to the knowledge of the world.
-- Liberty Hyde Bailey -
I've described my usual writing process as scrambling from peak to peak on inspiration through foggy valleys of despised logic. Inspiration is better when you can get it.
-- Lois McMaster Bujold -
Many of us who walk to and fro upon our usual tasks are prisoners drawing mental maps of escape.
-- Loren Eiseley -
I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying.' I tried with all my heart.
-- Louise Brooks -
The usual pretext of those who make others unhappy is that they do it for their own good.
-- Luc de Clapiers -
Gossip, as usual, was one-third right and two-thirds wrong.
-- Lucy Maud Montgomery -
Lightly armed nations can move toward war just as easily as those which are armed to the teeth, and they will do so if the usual causes of war are not removed.
-- Ludwig Quidde -
Without putting the brakes on out-of-control campaign contributions from individuals and corporations - it will be business as usual, with 1 percent of Americans pulling the strings.
-- Madeleine M. Kunin -
As we at all times criticise the Premier for his management of home affairs, call Mr Butler a fool for his Budget, find fault with Beecham's conducting, or Gielgud's performance, can we not, sometimes, say that our cricketers are not quite so brilliant as usual?
-- Margaret Hughes -
He awoke at six, as usual. He needed no alarm clock. He was already comprehensively alarmed.
-- Martin Amis