Key To Success famous quotes
The key to success is to be true to who you really are.
-- Dan Miller -
I suppose your security is your success and your key to success is your fine palate.
-- Gordon Ramsay -
The key to success is failure… Success is made of 99 percent failure.
-- James Dyson -
I’ll sum up the key to success in one word: generosity.
-- Keith Ferrazzi -
The key to SUCCESS is to START before you're ready
-- Marie Forleo -
The key to success for everything in business, science and technology is never to follow the others.
-- Masaru Ibuka -
Efficiency and focus are the keys to success.
-- Robert Crais -
Finding good partners is the key to success in anything: in business, in marriage and, especially, in investing.
-- Robert Kiyosaki -
The key to success isn't much good until one discovers the right lock to insert it in.
-- Tehyi Hsieh -
As soon as you find the key to success, somebody always changes the lock.
-- Tracey Ullman -
The key to success is emotional stability.
-- Warren Buffett -
The key to success is often the ability to adapt
-- Anthony Brandt -
Collaboration is a key [to success]. It really is.
-- Drew McWeeny -
The single most important key to success is to be a good listener.
-- Kelly Wearstler -
'Fail hard, fail fast, fail often. It's the key to success.' This one I learned from experience!
-- Reshma Saujani -
The key to success is radical generosity.
-- Agapi Stassinopoulos -
Size alone is not a key to success, as we have seen recently.
-- Norbert Reithofer -
They'll try to close the door on you... Just open it.
-- DJ Khaled