My Way famous quotes
I'm an actor and it happened to go my way that day.
-- Aaron Eckhart -
If I had my way, I'd do all my entertaining on the front steps
-- Alan Ladd -
I would rather die having spoken in my way, than live having spoken in yours
-- Albert Shanker -
I'm stronger than anything in my way. Holla!
-- Bethenny Frankel -
You'll Never See It My Way, Because You're Not Me!
-- Britney Spears -
I laughed my way through The Stepford Wives.
-- Cathleen McGuigan -
This directing thing just sort of fell my way and landed in my lap.
-- Charles S. Dutton -
I cannot find my way: there is no star In all the shrouded heavens anywhere
-- Edwin Arlington Robinson -
My way is to develop the hidden potentialities of man; a way that is against Nature and against God.
-- G. I. Gurdjieff -
Everything was going my way. I was happily marching into the history books. Then it all just fell apart.
-- George Michael -
I don't go out of my way to make friends, that's all.
-- Haruki Murakami -
I am unable to distinguish between the feeling I have for life and my way of expressing it.
-- Henri Matisse -
I never knew where I was going, but I ripped the ***** off of everything that got in my way. By the time they figured me out, it was too late.
-- Hunter S. Thompson -
Nobody ever told me what to read, or ever put poetry in my way
-- Isaac Rosenberg -
I was acting my way through the whole thing.
-- Jeremy London -
If I fail, at least I will have failed my way.
-- Jodie Foster -
If you don't do it my way, I suggest you commit suicide.
-- Josef Albers -
I'm completely removed from any hype that comes my way.
-- Justin Timberlake -
I just hope I can spread some of the happiness that's been coming my way.
-- Kenny Rogers -
Some days I'm in better control and can navigate my way through stuff, and other days, not so much.
-- Kiefer Sutherland -
I get the lyrics of a tune and interpret them my way.
-- Kylie Minogue -
To say I drank my way into marriage isn't much of an exaggeration, and it's none at all to say I drank my way out of it.
-- Lawrence Block -
I've always thought of myself as an organic writer, rather than a cerebral one. I feel my way along as I go, hoping I'll get to the place I intend to reach.
-- Len Wein -
Everything was coming my way, but I was going down. I was painfully empty.
-- Lorraine Bracco -
When I got to Chicago I had to find my way.
-- Luther Allison -
I never feel I repeat myself. I really go out of my way to amuse myself. I would be bored stiff. If I feel the déjavu when I'm doing something, I stop and rethink and rework it.
-- Malcolm McDowell -
I'm on my way to a place where I'd never dreamed I'd be, and that's perfection.
-- Mary J. Blige -
I climb, I backtrack. I float. I ramble my way home.
-- Mary Oliver -
I am practically in the employ of Mr. Nobel. I have to meet everyone he sends my way.
-- Naguib Mahfouz -
I can only see it going one way, that's my way. How it's actually going to go I can't really say.
-- Nicky Wilshire -
I started at the top and worked my way down.
-- Orson Welles -
I've lived a life that's full, I traveled each and ev'ry highway, And more, much more than this, I did it my way.
-- Paul Anka -
If I had my way, I'd always be onstage. But I won't always be able to be onstage.
-- Paul Stanley -
I'm on my way to happiness, where I can find some peace and rest.
-- Peter Tosh -
My work is my way of expressing myself without being arrested.
-- Rhys Ifans -
I can find my way from 500 A.D. through to 1066 pretty well as an amateur historian.
-- Robert Plant -
There are a few things that make me angry. Mostly things not going my way.
-- Sebastian Vettel -
Genius? Nothing! Sticking to it is the genius! ... I've failed my way to success.
-- Thomas A. Edison -
I don’t know where I am going, but I am on my way.
-- Voltaire -
Not for one single day Can I discern my way, But this I surely know- Who gives the day Will show the way, So I securely go.
-- William Arthur Dunkerley -
In many ways my writing is like therapy. It is my way of dealing with things.
-- Corey Smith -
I'm a director and a writer, and I'm used to having my way. I'm not used to being a vessel for other people.
-- Desiree Akhavan -
My way has always worked. My way is what got me here.
-- Edgerrin James -
I'm always trying to make the music sexier with every album, every tour. I just try to inch my way toward just a little sexier. I know it's tough for me.
-- Eef Barzelay -
There are times when I will dress up, like tonight for the premiere, but there are times when it doesn't matter. It's not that I think it's fake, but I'm not going to go out of my way to be something that I'm not.
-- Georgia Groome -
My plan is to make the best of whatever comes my way.
-- Irena A. Hoffman -
When we're talking about the transformation, we can add in the 25 pounds I've gained - I've been eating my way through the wireless industry.
-- John J. Legere -
I've had so many life expriences and those experiences create you little by little. You're never going to be the same person you were yesterday, right? I've definitely gone through some traumatic things that really changed my way of seeing.
-- Kat Dahlia -
I went to Europe and, as I've been told, ate my way out of a career.
-- Mackenzie Davis -
I can't let things go when it comes to stop painting. It has to be my way.
-- Rita Ackermann -
I often have to feel my way through the alternatives. The 99-cent store is attractive because it offers objects that aren't promoted in glossy magazines. The work then becomes a form of alchemy.
-- Torbjørn Rødland -
I've been clawing my way to directing since I was a kid.
-- Alfonso Gomez-Rejon -
I don't go out of my way to be outrageous, I just go out of my way to look at things.
-- Dave Allen -
I say yes to almost anything that comes my way.
-- Ron Perlman -
Even when something does not go my way, I get up and fight, that is what keeps me going.
-- Vanessa Bell Calloway