“At Google, we see and feel the dangers of the government-led Net crackdown,”
Source : "'Father of the internet': Why we must fight for its freedom" by Vinton Cerf, www.cnn.com. November 30, 2012.
“It's food too fine for angels, yet come, take and eat thy fill!”
Source : Edward Taylor, “I Am The LIVIng Bread: Meditation Eight: John 6:51”
“I love N.Y.C.! I cant think of any individual that hates New York.”
“For wit and judgment often are at strife, Though meant each other's aid, like man and wife.”
Source : "An Interview With Kelly Slater!". Intensity Magazine Interview, www.bodybuilding.com. July 29, 2004.
Alberto Del Rio
Professional wrestler
Andy Kaufman
Chris Jericho
Professional Wrestler
CM Punk
Professional Wrestler
Jim Ross
Professional Wrestling Referee
Mick Foley
Professional Wrestler
Randy Orton
Professional Wrestler
The Undertaker
Professional Wrestler
Vince McMahon
Professional Wrestling Promoter