Christine O'Donnell famous quotes
50 minutes ago
It's time to replace career politicians with citizen's politicians. It's time to elect people who are going to stand up to the Washington elite and stand up to a White House and Congress hell-bent on ramming socialism down our throat
-- Christine O'Donnell -
American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
Psychics put people in spiritual harm, the same way pimps put people in physical harm.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?
-- Christine O'Donnell -
The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can't ***** without lust.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
I am not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
I never had the high-paying job or the company car. It took me over a decade to pay off my student loans. I never had to worry about where to dock my yacht to reduce my taxes.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's little blood there and stuff like that. …We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic altar.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
About President Bush's stand against condoms, condoms will not protect you from AIDS . So to just throw a bunch of condoms over to Africa and say, here, we're helping you with AIDS, is just going to further the spread of AIDS over there.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
You know what, evolution is a myth. ... Why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans?
-- Christine O'Donnell -
People are created in God's image. Homosexuality is an identity adopted through societal factors. It's an identity disorder.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
Thank you, Governor [Sarah] Palin, for your endorsement. Because she got behind. She got behind us war-weary folks and gave us a boost of encouragement when we needed it. And she was a vote against the politics of personal destruction.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
There’s only truth and not truth. You’re either very good or evil.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
We have to look at our history and realize that if they pretend to be our friend it's because they've got something up their sleeve.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
Look at what Bush has done. The economy took an incredible hit after September 11. That was a huge shock to the economy. And we've recovered a lot quicker than we thought, thanks to Bush and his economic policy.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
I am not a clone of Sarah Palin. I have my own thoughts.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
When a married person uses ***** or is unfaithful, it compromises not just his or her purity, but also compromises the spouse's purity. As a church, we need to teach a higher standard than abstinence. We need to preach a righteous lifestyle.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
There is not enough evidence, consistent evidence to make it as fact, and I say that because for theory to become a fact, it needs to consistently have the same results after it goes through a series of tests. The tests that they put- that they use to support evolution do not have consistent results. Now too many people are blindly accepting evolution as fact. But when you get down to the hard evidence, it's merely a theory.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
Absolutely, but let me qualify that - I consider myself an authentic feminist. Not as defined by the modern movement. And, let me clarify that a little bit more. I was an English major, so break it down: -ist means one who celebrates. As a feminist, I celebrate my femininity.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
Well, creationism, in essence, is believing that the world began as the Bible in Genesis says, that God created the Earth in six days, six 24-hour periods. And there is just as much, if not more, evidence supporting that.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
You're just gonna create somebody who is, I was gonna say, 'toying with his sexuality.' Pardon the pun.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
By integrating women into particularly military institutes, it cripples the readiness of our defense. Schools like The Citadel train young men to confidently lead other young men into a battlefield where one of them will die. And when you have women in that situation, it creates a whole new set of dynamics which are distracting to training these men to kill or be killed.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
During the primary, I heard the audible voice of God. … He said, 'Credibility.' It wasn't a thought in my head. I thought it meant I was going to win. But after the primary, I got credibility.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
I dabbled into witchcraft-I never joined a coven. But I did, I did. I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I'm not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
And you can tell that Britney Spears is struggling with who she is. I think she has a team of agents and managers who are saying, yes, push the envelope, kiss Madonna, take off all your clothes. And she’s doing that because she doesn’t want to sacrifice this enormous platform that she’s built. But at the same time, she is sacrificing herself and you can see that in her eyes when she talks.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
We're doing a great disservice to our young people because the only protection is abstinence, as condoms have been proven fallible. The federal government should not be telling young people to use condoms. It's also an insult to teenagers, reducing them to the level of a dog that can't control its hormones.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
The thing that attracts people to "The Sopranos" is the family element. It shows that America still has a longing for that traditional upbringing.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
I’m not being weird, you’re being a little rude. Don’t you think as a host, when I say ‘this is what I want to talk about’ that’s what we should address?
-- Christine O'Donnell -
I think especially in such an unstable economic environment, what people criticized him [Mitt Romney] for in 2008 his consistency, the fact that he was so strong, and I think people will find that appealing going into the 2012. That’s one of the things that I like about him — because he’s been consistent since he changed his mind.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
America is now a socialist economy. The definition of a socialist economy is when 50% or more of your economy is dependent on the federal government.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
You're telling me that the separation of church and state is found in the First Amendment?
-- Christine O'Donnell -
We had the 60s sexual revolution, and now people are dying of AIDS.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
The Ryan White Care Act provides money for community-based counseling centers. While that may sound noble and compassionate, we know from experience that "AIDS education" becomes a platform for the homosexual community to recruit adolescents and lure teens into a self-destructive sexual lifestyle.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
We think that it legitimizes the homosexual lifestyle.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
Well, I don't think that the Obama administration knows what's Jesus, what belongs to Jesus and what belongs to them. That's my big gripe. Apparently, he doesn't know. But then, that's because he's not a Christian. He's Muslim.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
The conservative movement was told to curl up in a fetal position and just stay there for the next eight years, thank you very much. Well, how things have changed.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
In order to restore our country to the principles on which it was founded, we need to elect leaders that believe in the principles of the party, not just the power of the party
-- Christine O'Donnell -
Americans want our leaders to defend our values, our culture our legacy of liberty and our way of life, not apologize...
-- Christine O'Donnell -
And I'm asking for your support because I want to defend America, as I've said before, from becoming a socialist nation
-- Christine O'Donnell -
Psychics exploit the human beings natural desire that longs for something higher. … The same way a pimp exploits the natural desire to be with the opposite sex…psychics put people in spiritual harm, the same way pimps put people in physical harm.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
We took the Bible and prayer out of public schools, now we're having weekly shootings practically.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
That’s one of the things that I like about him - because he’s been consistent since he changed his mind.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
We're not trying to take back our country. We are our country.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
It is not enough to be abstinent with other people. You also have to be abstinent alone. The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can't - a word that rhymes with congratulate - without lust.
-- Christine O'Donnell -
It is those same so-called experts who said we had no chance of winning the primary. It will be hard work, but we can win. And if those same people who fought against me work just as hard for me, we will win.
-- Christine O'Donnell
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