June Diane Raphael famous quotes
I think my real fear is that I will get to old age and think I spent too much time concerned about the way that I look and other bullshit. That's really a fear of mine.
-- June Diane Raphael -
That's my big fear, and not enjoying things as much as I could and realizing actually how awesome life is right now.
-- June Diane Raphael -
[The Women's Room by Marilyn French] was in my house somewhere, blew my mind, I was changed forever. And then I continued to read it at various points in my life, and it sort of opens up in a different way.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I'm certainly much happier when I feel that the work is good.
-- June Diane Raphael -
It's a very hard line to walk, and I certainly am nowhere near having cracked how to do that, but I try to focus on being a brave performer and not worrying about my lighting or whatever, even though, then, sometimes I see myself on screen, and I'm like, "Why did you wear that, look like that, whatever," but I'm also more accepting that is what it is. There's this battle always.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I'm not a dermatologist, but I had someone explain it to me, and I've seen the effect on my own skin over the years. So I feel like we need to protect our faces, especially those of us who live in Southern California, from this ***** sun that's on us all day.
-- June Diane Raphael -
[Paul Scheer] was kind of pretending to not be as sick as he was. And then we almost pulled into this spa when I finally called it and said, "I'm very ill. We need to go home." And he said, "I am, too." He said that he wasn't going to do his treatments, he was going to - by the way, these are great problems to have - he was going to lie in the men's relaxation room in between throwing up. I was like, "This is insane. We're sick, and we need to just acknowledge it. And it sucks that it happened on my birthday, but let's get back into bed."
-- June Diane Raphael -
I was early in my career and didn't understand that people were looking at me and critiquing me yet.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I think, is a cultural thing, too. You know, everyone wants to see the baby. Everybody's bringing gifts for the baby.
-- June Diane Raphael -
Years later we were watching 90210 [with my sister].
-- June Diane Raphael -
I'll keep this as nonpartisan and diplomatic as possible - but for those of us whose heads are kind of spinning off and are really engaged in what's happening right now and trying to effect change where we can, when we can, I think we also need to express ourselves and express our anger and also find joy in things like The Golden Girls right now.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I do use the F word a lot, unfortunately.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I love The Golden Girls. I've watched recently, and it's sort of insane there's a chef that they're always referring to as "fancy" - the pilot's kind of a mess.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I got so into moisturizing, my skin started overproducing oil. That's my story. There's a lot to talk about, for sure.
-- June Diane Raphael -
That's the only thing I feel like, "No, no, no, no - I know the way. I know the way. I know where you are and you need to come with me, and we need to take care of our skin."
-- June Diane Raphael -
I don't know where it's come from, but after many years of many different products, I feel like I can speak as an authority on a lot of them.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I was under the misconception that I have oily skin, I'm prone to breakouts, I shouldn't moisturize or put anything on my face. And then realizing, "Oh, no, my skin is incredibly dry - that's why I'm breaking out. I need to wear moisturizer." Some of these steps could be anti-"I'm serious," but that's the one thing I feel I know the way on. I'm not snobby about anything else.
-- June Diane Raphael -
Another thing I also recommend is washing your face with white towels, little white towels instead of your hands. Other towels have dye in them and, with water on them, I just don't mess around with that. This way you're not getting your hands back on your dirty face as you're washing it. You're going to see what's coming off.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I really do. I don't see it as a kind of elite experience - it's our biggest organ. We need to see a dermatologist and have them really look at our skin and figure out what's going on.
-- June Diane Raphael -
If someone tells me, "I just wash my face with soap," we have that discussion. And a lot of men, too. Thank god Paul Scheer knows to moisturize.
-- June Diane Raphael -
[I think] everybody should see a dermatologist.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I'm not necessarily [into] pricey products, and I'm not recommending super-fancy stuff. It's more the consistency and the sunblock of it all, engaging in that process - I can be a little snobby about it.
-- June Diane Raphael -
A lot of men, they don't put anything on their faces. And some women also overdo it.
-- June Diane Raphael -
There's a book called The Women's Room by Marilyn French that was a really big part of my personal feminist awakening growing up that I read.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I read [The Women's Room] in my 20s, and I was like, "I understand this now." And now I've become a mom and read it again and truly understand on a different level what one of the main characters goes through as a mother.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I do a lot of coaching with my friends on how to get out of relationships with their agents, boyfriends, contractors, whatever, because that's easy for me.
-- June Diane Raphael -
Anyone who knows my professional history has known I've gone through a gazillion managers and agents or whatever. I'm like, "This doesn't feel right - moving on." I don't really suffer fools, which makes it easier for me.
-- June Diane Raphael -
That's one of my greatest strengths. I'm a Scorpio rising - we're very decisive. I'm very good at cutting things off that don't feel right.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I like the way [Marcus Lemonis] thinks. He's made me think about things in a different way. He's made me want to support small businesses in a very real way, seeing what these small-business owners go through and the struggle it is and the courage it takes to put your heart and money behind things at a 24-hour job. I think I relate to that as an actress and a writer and someone who works freelance, in many ways. It never ends, you never clock out. You've always got to keep things moving.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I've referred to [Marcus Lemonis] as my celebrity crush. I'm totally describing my celebrity crush, and that was not the question. But I am a fan of his. I really am.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I'm not referring to an up-and-coming comedian. I am referring to the host of The Profit. He invests his own money into small businesses that need to be turned around. He becomes partners in them. And I love the way he does business, and I love his integrity, and I love where his head's at, and I love what he has to say, and I learn from him.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I remember watching 21 Jump Street and thinking I'm attracted to Johnny Depp - "What are these feelings?" I remember all of this, the first time you feel things. I mean, yes, boys in class, whatever, but to specifically go back to those experiences, it's kind of amazing.
-- June Diane Raphael -
The sexual revolution... it was the first time I had read anything that came close to describing those feelings of being outside of my body, feeling the shame, all of it, that I really was able to connect to in that book. So it sort of blew my mind. I was also listening to Tori Amos at the same time, so I was like, "Wait, what's happening?!" It was all a part of that, probably when I was, like, 13.
-- June Diane Raphael -
It certainly wasn't taught in school beyond the idea of "girls can do anything that boys can do" - I understood that kind of pop culture feminism. I did not understand anything else about feminism.
-- June Diane Raphael -
[The Women's Room] was the first thing I read that explained a lot of the feelings I was having and a lot of the rage and the feeling uncomfortable in my body and knowing that I was feeling a certain way in the world, but I didn't have the language for it.
-- June Diane Raphael -
There were a lot of different things [in The Women's Room ]. I don't really want to summarize it in this way. It's about a woman's awakening, a woman who came of age in the '50s and is a teenager - actually, she's a little bit older - in the '60s and part of the women's movement and how she ends up there.
-- June Diane Raphael -
[The Women's Room] is one of those pieces of fiction that reveals itself in a different way every time. It's incredible.
-- June Diane Raphael -
[The Women's Room] is very much a white woman's piece of fiction, for sure. But for me, as a white woman, I related to a lot of it and continue to as I've gotten older, and especially at this moment in time, I want to read it again.
-- June Diane Raphael -
The only thing I really get snobby about is - not food or wine or certainly not television - I would say I get snobby about skin-care regimens and people taking care of their skin in the right way.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I'm like, "You could not wake up in the sixes? Does it really gotta be in the fives?" Because the 5 really feels like nighttime. I don't like the day starting at 5.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I was like, "Everybody sees my characters. Nobody sees me!"
-- June Diane Raphael -
I think the worst professional advice I've received... I feel I've been lucky in that I've gotten a lot of wonderful guidance, but I remember - and I would never do this to someone - I remember going into a manager's office, the manager I had in New York, and this was way back when. And she said to me, immediately, "You should never wear striped T-shirts. You look much bigger than you are."
-- June Diane Raphael -
Of course, when you're a parent, you can never really be sick.
-- June Diane Raphael -
Unfortunately, this past birthday, my son was up the entire night before, very sick with that horrible - I think it was called the Norovirus or whatever the hell that was that was going around. So I got it. And then my husband [Paul Scheer] got it. We were both fighting it because he had planned this whole day for me, and we were both pretending it wasn't happening. We were literally driving ourselves to a massage and facial that he had planned and at one point, I was like, "I can't drive anymore. I need to get in the passenger's seat."
-- June Diane Raphael -
I think I know who my audience is. It's pretty satisfying, and I think we all need to take care of ourselves and laugh as well as do everything we can to fight back right now while being mindful of laughing and enjoying ourselves where and when we can.
-- June Diane Raphael -
Your best friendships are with people who share your world view.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I remember my dad watched a lot of TV that we watched, too. I remember watching Saved By The Bell because me and my sister watched it, and my dad kind of watched it with us, too, while he was cooking or whatever he was doing in the kitchen.
-- June Diane Raphael -
There was that moment of, "Oh, my parents are watching Columbo and I hate it" to "No, I love this show, too." And I feel like, for me, that was around 11 or 12, where I could actually join my parents in their viewing and wasn't so irritated that they were always watching Columbo.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I remember watching that show [Golden Girls] with my parents and not totally understanding it. Like, a lot of comedy flew over my head, a lot of the sexual stuff I didn't know. But because there was a laugh track, I'd laugh really hard, and I'm now remembering the look on my parents' faces - I had no idea why it was funny. I was sort of, like, laughing along.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I'm on Grace And Frankie, which is also about that time in life, I'm realizing. But I would - so I guess I am sort of in that show. But there's something about The Golden Girls and the sort of multicam set and Bea Arthur that I just want to be around those ladies all day long, and I want to be on those comfy couches and want to sit in that kitchen in those chairs in those pastels, and I want to wear Blanche's outfits and it's just really... and I want to sit outside in that weird little courtyard.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I would spend the rest of my life inside The Golden Girls, of course. I feel like my dream is to just be retired and to really let it all out and to not give an F anymore, and so Golden Girls, to me, is that time in life.
-- June Diane Raphael -
Writing pilots is such a specific thing. It's not even really writing TV shows. A pilot is its own beast.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I got very self-conscious about the way I look. So I, especially with young people coming into the industry and young actors, I feel it's really terrible to start with their looks. Right? Because especially for women, it just puts you in your head at a time when you should really be focused on your work and what you're saying and doing and not how you look.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I'm more focused or try to be more focused on my acting and writing and comedy and let the other stuff fall where it may.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I never sleep in. By the way, when we're like, "We alternate waking up for the kids," the other person's waking up at 7 a.m. It's not like you're waking up at 10. It's like, "I'm really going to give you a treat and you're gonna get your ***** up at 7 instead of 5:59." Which is when our son wakes up.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I love being a mom. Being a mother is my favorite thing ever.
-- June Diane Raphael -
My perfect Sunday is waking up at 10 - which, you know, those days are over for me - but waking up at 10, breakfast with children, hanging out with well-behaved children.
-- June Diane Raphael -
[Postpartum] is a raw time when you need your friends and family to swoop in in a very real way.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I had several moms who knew and didn't bring gifts for the baby and instead brought me food, candles, journals - the women who were like, "Actually, I know this is a tough time for you, and it's much more important that I show up here instead of to the baby shower."
-- June Diane Raphael -
For me, I was the most vulnerable and needed the most in my postpartum experience and got the least. It was just kind of a drop-off. That would be my focus - on the woman, afterwards.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I feel like there's so much focus on the woman when you're pregnant, and it's amazing and beautiful and everybody's taking care of you, and then you have the baby and nobody's interested. And yet you are the most vulnerable you've been - I mean, I'm speaking on my own experience. Other women may have very different experiences.
-- June Diane Raphael -
One thing that I would like to do that I've seen them not do that well is take women all through the process of the postpartum period in a more meaningful way. That would be my agenda.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I feel I've learned a lot about [experience of giving birth], and I think it's amazing. Men and women who are ob-gyns are pretty amazing.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I know that it feels dangerous and scary and working without a net, so to speak. And working without a net, for me - maybe other women do it a totally different way - means being vanity-free. That's how, as an artist, I know that I need to work.
-- June Diane Raphael -
I think I certainly know that the space I want to work in is a fearless space.
-- June Diane Raphael -
It's very hard, I think especially for women, to not take it in and to not be super conscious of the way that you're being seen, which is of course completely antithetical to the work you want to do, which is completely free and bold and truthful and honest and brave.
-- June Diane Raphael -
You don't have to spend eight years of your life trying to get something done. You can get your answers very quickly, and there's something satisfying about that.
-- June Diane Raphael
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