Ernie J Zelinski famous quotes
Your best retirement plan for retiring happy and prosperous - don't be a burden on others.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Prescription for Life-long Happiness: Purpose enough for satisfaction; Work enough for sustenance; Sanity enough to know when to play and rest; Wealth enough for basic needs; Affection enough to like many and love a few; Self-respect enough to love yourself; Charity enough to give to others in need; Courage enough to face difficulties; Creativity enough to solve problems; Humor enough to laugh at will; Hope enough to expect an interesting tomorrow; Gratitude enough to appreciate what you have; Health enough to enjoy life for all its worth.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Regardless of how much you enjoy your work, you must accept that everything won't come easily. No one has clear sailing on their voyage to success. You will always meet obstacles to overcome. The attainment of real success isn't based on the absence of problems, but the extraordinary ability to deal with problems. Indeed, you will find greatest satisfaction in overcoming the toughest of problems thrown your way. And only by overcoming great difficulties can you achieve greatness in this world.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Strive for originality in thought and action. Be first; Be different; And be daring. Only then will you make a significant difference in this world. You may even attain greatness.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
I have gone from local obscurity to national obscurity to international obscurity. Once I learn how to monetize obscurity, I will be rich.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Why waste so much time, energy, and money trying to buy the biggest house that your credit rating will allow? Truth be known, a small house can hold as much happiness as a large one. Sometimes it will hold even more.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Early to bed and early to rise makes a person dull, boring, and despised.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
It's interesting and somewhat dismaying how many people will look up to anyone who wins a multimillion-dollar lottery - but will deride anyone who has worked either hard or smart to attain prosperity and real success.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Learning to enjoy being single involves the ability to experience everything through your own essence, instead of living vicariously through a spouse or partner.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
People who observe no limits in attempting to get work done aren't nearly as smart as they think. Hard work can be done by any fool. But to be highly productive, and still have plenty of time to rest and play, this is where true genius resides.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Just one great idea can change your life dramatically. Look for it. It's there somewhere!
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Know the moment when to work diligently. Even more important, know the moment when not to work, but to relax and play instead. This will not only benefit you immensely, but also will astonish your friends and competitors.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Overnight Success Happens Only in Fairy Tales, Trashy Novels, and Bad Movies.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Ordinary People Attain Extraordinary Success - You Can Too!
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
To be more successful, learn to distinguish between the truly unimportant and the truly important. Eventually you will be considered not only a genius, but a messiah as well.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
If you end up getting into a fight with someone, make sure that you win by at least half a mile.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Your suffering is something you choose. Experience it fully. Without it you will not achieve personal growth and higher consciousness.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
If you expect to have it all, you will have nothing. Learn to be happy with nothing - and you will have it all!
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Anyone can achieve something important. Contrary to popular belief, the key is not hard work, but finding the right thing to achieve.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
If You Hang Around with a Bunch of Blunderers Long Enough, you Will Become One Yourself.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Compromising your integrity for money, power, or fame will come back to haunt you.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Making the simple complex doesn't take ingenuity. Making the complex simple, now, that's ingenuity!
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Retirement: A Time to Become Much More than You Have Ever Been
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Get Creative - You Will Surprise Yourself and Change the World!
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Take Special Care of Yourself - Because No One Else Will!
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Don't Mess Around with Reality and Reality Won't Mess Around with You.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Do the Difficult and Uncomfortable If You Would Like an Easy and Comfortable Life.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
When money is lost, a little is lost. When time is lost, much more is lost. When health is lost, practically everything is lost. And when creative spirit is lost, there is nothing left.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Have you ever considered that your perception of reality could be wrong? If you haven't, this is a pretty good sign that it is.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Creativity goes beyond what you already know. What you know is just knowledge.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Real success doesn't care how you get there.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Taoism extols the virtue of flexibility. What survives on earth is what effortlessly adapts to the changing environment and changing circumstances.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Trust not what inspires other members of society to choose as a career. Trust what inspires you. From this decision alone will come over a third of your satisfaction or misery in your life.
-- Ernie J Zelinski -
Like the truth, retirement can set you free. Or, like work, retirement can imprison you.
-- Ernie J Zelinski
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