Mariska Hargitay famous quotes
I don't have to be an expert. I just have to care.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
People who overcome their fears every day, without fanfare, without recognition. Quiet, everyday courage, that’s what I admire most.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
You survived the abuse, you’re going to survive the recovery.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I'm living every ten-year-old boy's fantasy. The other day, Chris and I had this big scene where we had to pull out our guns, and I was thinking, 'Here we are in New York City - a place where every actor wants to be - and we are literally playing cops and robbers. How great is that?'
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Being fearless means busting down those walls of fear and being who you are, not who someone else thinks you are. People like to put others in a box and tell them what they can and cannot do or who they can and cannot be. No one can tell you who you are and what you are made of, only you yourself know what you are made of, and only you yourself can do the work to become who you want to be.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Sexual assault and domestic violence are difficult things to talk about. Talk about them anyway.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Just smiling at someone walking down the street can make the person's day. It's all about paying it forward.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Chocolate is the first luxury. It has so many things wrapped up in it: Deliciusness in the moment, childhood memories, and that grin-inducing feeling of getting a reward for being good.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Sixty-five percent of Americans don't have the conversation with their children. So you're sending off boys and girls off to college, off to high school, off to wherever they go, and nobody's had the conversation about how to conduct themselves. About a man telling his son how to be a man. How to respect a woman. How do you respect yourself?
-- Mariska Hargitay -
The message I got from my father was that life is hard, but you just don't quit. I am grateful that I didn't let fear get the best of me. It only holds you back from possibilities and greatness. You've got to kick fear to the side, because the payoff is huge.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
We're all connected. Helping another woman is helping yourself, your mother, your sister, your children.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Fifty years ago my Mother stood on this stage accepting this award; She was fortunate enough to have my Dad with her. Fifty years later, I'm fortunate enough to have my Dad with me. I love you, Dad.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
When I was in my early 20s, I had my hair permed. Bad Idea! It turned into total frizz. My advice to women is: if you have nice hair already, don't get a perm, leave your hair alone.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
If I can play a little part in the world's healing, and making it a better place than when I came, then I just thank God for that chance.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
A guy at ABC told me to change my name and get a nose job. I said 'You get a nose job.'
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I've got no problems with my age. I rejoice in the knowledge I have accrued and savor the greatest moments, because I know how fast it goes.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Humor is about perspective, and hanging out with people who see life through a similar lens is so important.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Criminals are just regular people who didn’t have time to read all the laws.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Adoption was a bumpy ride - very bumpy. But, God, was it worth the fight.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
No one can tell you who you are and what you are made of, only you yourself know what you are made of, and only you yourself can do the work to become who you want to be.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
There's so much that you can get mad about. Out of self-preservation, I focus on being grateful.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
But trust can take you a long way. And my faith takes me a long way. And I think that our pains, our vulnerabilities, and our insecurities can fuel us to be better. To try harder. To dig deeper.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Being thin is not more important than enjoying life
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I think God runs the show. Completely. Life proves it every day: He runs the show
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I am grateful that I didn't let fear get the best of me. It only holds you back from possibilities and greatness.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Your body is not who you are. I don't think women should label themselves based on the way they look. What about defining yourself by a different kind of measurement? What about your heart, your soul, your compassion, your generosity, your strength and your power? There are so many other things to focus on besides your waistline.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
My Dad taught me that good health is all about living in gratitude.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Losing my mother at such an early age is the scar of my soul. But I feel like it ultimately made me into the person I am today; I understand the journey of life. I had to go through what I did to be here.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I'm a big believer that your word is your wand. You know how people say things like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm such an idiot.' I don't say things like that anymore. Those put-downs, even if they're in jest, are little bullets of negativity that you don't need in your life.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
These days we don’t have to fit into something other people think we are. We’ve leveled the playing field, life is inclusive. I’m a mom, sex detective, wife, fearless, gentle — we can now, with grace, be all of what we are.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
If you stop for one second and do something, everyone is happy. You pay it forward and it comes back to you twelve-fold.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
As an actress, there were so many months, years even, when I didn't get work, when I wanted to quit.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Becoming a parent erased many of my negative childhood feelings and filled them in with something new.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
You make sacrifices to become a mother, but you really find yourself and your soul.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Every day is deeper and richer and more soulful.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
You've got to kick fear to the side, because the payoff is huge.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
It's a life's journey of finding ourselves, finding our power, and living for yourself, not for everyone else.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I have a more developed sense of my priorities. Life has so much more meaning now.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Sometimes things in life happen that allow us to understand our priorities very clearly. Ultimately you can see those as gifts.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Over half a million women are raped in this country every year, and only a fraction of them report it because they're too ashamed. It’s a really screwed up world, but its not your fault, and what happened to you, it doesn't make you the monster.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
The only reason I have the career I have is that I didn't quit.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Eric Lewis doesn't play the piano, he devours it. He doesn't play music, he channels the divine.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I think people were expecting me to be that kind of glamorous sexpot. So they were always, Wow you're not what I expected.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I have a nest egg, and I don't buy above my means.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Surviving and thriving in the wake of my mothers loss, I learned to believe in God. He has a plan, if you pay attention to the signs. I am inspired by the absolute proof of miracles.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I've always heard that you'll know, but I never understood it. With Peter, we even broke up after we dated for a year, for two or three months, but I still knew. I knew there was something different about this union. Even through the hard times, it was like "How are we going to get through this?
-- Mariska Hargitay -
You know how you wake up in the morning and sometimes you look gorgeous and other times you look like you got hit by a mack truck? I realized that my mack truck is food. If I have no sugar, yeast or wine, I have no undereye bags and my skin is perfect.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
By coming forward and sharing your story, you don't know the countless lives you change.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I think because I became a mom later in life, everything in life means more.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I have so much love that I didn't even know about.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I definitely have my days where I look like I got dressed in the dark.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I get very excited about my double stroller. Every time I look at it, I get a shot of adrenaline and joy because I think, This is real!
-- Mariska Hargitay -
It's very difficult leaving the house anytime with my baby at home.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Just having someone make you laugh so hard that it hurts is so healing to me.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Yes. I did more research than I ever wanted to and saw some things I wish I didn't. I went on ride-alongs, spent time with Homicide, Cold Case, and SVU detectives, hung out in subways learning how to spot pervs and pick-pockets, viewed an autopsy, went to a police firing range, and witnessed court cases and I read, read, read.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
No one can take away your pain, so don't let anyone take away your happiness.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Italian culture is so deeply soaked in an appreciation of the good things in life.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I say to everybody, 'Adoption is not for the faint of heart.'
-- Mariska Hargitay -
To me, the definition of sexy - at any age - is strength and confidence.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
When my body is strong, I feel stronger inside. I feel more capable of handling emotional situations. Usually I'm more of a inside-out person, but this was a great case of me from the outside in.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
The experience of being cared for is profound, and it nourishes the soul as much as the food does the body.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I'm an L.A. girl who became a tough New York cop.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
~Before you have kids, when you're on a plane and there's a screaming kid, all you can think is, Give me earplugs! As soon as I became a mom, though, I got it. You find yourself asking, 'What can I do? You want me to hold him?' Because you think about the time your kids was screaming, and there was the one parent who looked at you and smiled. And that compassion was everything.~
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I look at all the things life has allowed me to do, and I feel like the luckiest person in the world.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I'm a size 8, and I feel proud of that, because it's healthy. I've never felt compelled to be a skinny actress.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
When I read the script sometimes, it's like 'Christ! Enough!' I can't sleep at night sometimes. There's the occasional script that just hammers you, that you can't shower off.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Our early dating life consisted of trying to figure out whether we were dating.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Having a child changes everything. All of a sudden you have so much to lose, so much to live for.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Golf made me feel like a loser. So I dismissed it.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
When you see a girl like me bustin' perps, there ain't no time to be pretty.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I wasn't at all trying to be skinny, My Mom is Jayne Mansfield, I'm allowed to have curves.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
Life begins at 40, and I'm living proof.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
You should've seen my big hair in the 80's, that was a real project.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I am proud to be a role model for my viewers. I am finding out that helping victims is as or more rewarding the all the awards I win.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I realize that you have to show up for your life.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
In life you have two choices. You can laugh or you can cry. You have to laugh, you have to.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I was lucky enough to have a father who said, 'Don't quit.' So I just kept going.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I want to be a fun mom. Not a gasping for air mom.
-- Mariska Hargitay -
I'm just grateful that my body is healthy. I want to be on this planet for a long time, so I try to eat things that make me feel good and make me strong. But I also love food and I love life: Some days having that extra bowl of pasta and a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup means more to me than being thin.
-- Mariska Hargitay
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