Service Business famous quotes


  • The horror genre has been for me an original way of taking an explicit visual and visionary approach to directing.

  • Any change of government which has to be introduced should be one which men, starting from their existing constitutions, will be both willing and able to adopt, since there is quite as much trouble in the reformation of an old constitution as in the establishment of a new one, just as to unlearn is as hard as to learn.

  • Winning is only important in war and surgery.

  • In conversation avoid the extremes of forwardness and reserve.

  • The present is elastic to embrace infinity.

  • The notion of a record is an obsolete remnant of the days of the 80-column card.

  • I'm really into Greek yogurt, fruit and almonds. Those are my 'go-to' snacks.

  • We must not be contented however with praying, without exerting ourselves in the use of means for the obtaining of those things we pray for.

  • You do things when the opportunities come along. I've had periods in my life when I've had a bundle of ideas come along, and I've had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I'll do something. If not, I won't do a damn thing.

  • The refugee resettlement program is a kind of worldwide business. There is pressure to keep the numbers up even as you are struggling with the people who do come in.