Colleen Barrett famous quotes


  • A scientist is a mimosa when he himself has made a mistake, and a roaring lion when he discovers a mistake of others.

  • The greatest need of our age and of every age, the greatest need of every human heart, is to know the resources and sufficiency of God.

  • Readjusting is a painful process, but most of us need it at one time or another.

  • For though we often need to be restored to the small, concrete, limited, and certain, we as often need to be reminded of the large, vague, unlimited, unknown

  • I cannot bear not to know the end of a tale. I will read the most trivial things – once commenced – only out of a feverish greed to be able to swallow the ending – sweet or sour – and to be done with what I need never have embarked on. Are you in my case? Or are you a more discriminating reader? Do you lay aside the unprofitable?

  • Remember you love writing.  It wouldn’t be worth it if you didn’t.  If the love fades, do what you need to and get it back,

  • Start with the assumption that the best way to do something is not the way it's being done right now.

  • But it's true, when you see some television, you carry it with you. It's like 90210. Tell me what young shows were being done then... We were thrilled about the ratings around the world.

  • THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1894... I met with the Quorum and Presidency in the temple... President Woodruff then spoke... 'In searching out my genealogy I found about four hundred of my female kindred who were never married. I asked Pres. Young what I should do with them. He said for me to have them sealed to me unless there were more than 999 of them. The doctrine startled me, but I had it done.

  • I love movie-making. I'm interested in writing and directing, and I've dabbled, but I haven't done anything I care to brag about. Yet.