Flair famous quotes


  • If you are serious, don't play with my heart, it makes me furious.

  • What I do for a living means that people look at me. As an actress, you are scrutinized. You are not just dealing with your looks privately, you are on display. I have never been 100 percent comfortable in my own skin. I go through different phases. But I don't feel beautiful all the time, no.

  • Climbing is one of the few sports in which the arena (the cliffs, the mountains and their specific routes) acquire a notoriety that outpopulates, outshines and outlives the actual athletes.

  • Trevor possessed many of the qualities of a vampire without actually being one. He constantly preyed on me, was deeply charismatic, and tried to suck the life out of me.

  • During the sole argument we had when [Chelsea] was in high school, the subject of which I don't even remember, I looked at her and said, 'As long as you're in this house, being president is my second most important job'.

  • I'm making music with my friends. It's fun. It should be fun. You shouldn't make music if it isn't fun.

  • A conservative government survives essentially by dampening expectations and subduing hopes. Conservatism is basically pessimistic, reformism is basically optimistic.

  • You have to anticipate a call's not going to go your way. It happens to everybody. It happens to both sides every night, so you can't necessarily go there mentally. You've just got to keep moving through the moment.

  • My job affords me the luxury of having help. I don't feel exhausted, I feel lucky.

  • I mean, I do actually think there is a qualitative difference between aborting in the early part of the first trimester and in, you know, the middle or later part of the second trimester, in a way that you feel about it in that you grow attached.