Culmination famous quotes


  • I've always wanted to play a role in inspiring people to be better, to live higher quality lives and to feel good about the way that they look and feel.

  • For me, the creative process for me always starts in a personal place. I step away from my iPod or any records or CDs.

  • I'll keep peace at all cost, even if I choke to death on my tongue.

  • Obviously, we don't want Iran to have nuclear weapons and I don't know if they're developing them, but if they're not developing them, they're crazy.

  • The etiquette question that troubles so many fastidious people New Year's Day is: How am I ever going to face those people again?

  • I’d compare stock pickers to astrologers but I don’t want to bad mouth astrologers.

  • How beautiful the yesterday that stood Over me like a rainbow! I am alone, The past is past. I see the future stretch All dark and barren as a rainy sea.

  • Eating is one of my favorite parts of the day

  • I've always liked new writing.

  • So many actors wear wigs nowadays. Besides, if someone is hiring me because of how I wear my hair, I don't want to work with them anyway.