Jeff Clark famous quotes


  • Just shred baby, shred.

  • Surfer girls rip and they are hot

  • Surfing is simply the most fun I know how to have on this planet.

  • God created the heavens and the earth, the oceans and the waves for our enjoyment. Surfing is just my way of worshipping Him.

  • Surfing for me is more than my lifestyle; it’s my passion, my love and it’s a part of me,

  • In the menu, there should be a climax and a culmination. Come to it gently. One will suffice.

  • It's a culmination of your life of surfing when you turn and paddle in at Mavericks.

  • When love's the culmination / of everything you feel / then it's the only thing that's precious / it's the only thing that's real

  • Race is a layer of being, but not a culmination.

  • Yes, there are directors I admire, the mavericks. Altman. There are many good directors.