Poop famous quotes
You know we fixate on the food so much itself: “Oh, the ultimate brownie or the ultimate this or that†-- well, let me tell you something: It’s all poop in about 12 hours, okay? The real power that food has is its ability to connect human beings to each other -- that’s the stuff right there and, to me, everything else is secondary to that.
-- Alton Brown -
Bird Poop in the mouth is always a surprise.
-- Craig Benzine -
I poop in the backyard... I wear disposable diapers.
-- David Duchovny -
On one level, I am a total softie, sort of depressed and afraid of losing the people I love or failing them. To disguise that, there's all this harsh, poop-centric, external swagger, full of nastiness. I'm a cloaking device.
-- George Saunders -
I do not care about the greatest good for the greatest number . . . Most people are poop-heads I do not care about them at all.
-- James Alan Gardner -
I don't think twice about picking up my dog's poop, but if another dog's poop is next to it, I think, 'Eww, dog poop!
-- Jonah Goldberg -
They tell you that at his age, all they do is eat, sleep, and poop. And what I've learned is they can actually do all three at the same time. Who knew?
-- Josh Duhamel -
If you're really a mean person you're going to come back as a fly and eat poop.
-- Kurt Cobain -
Sometimes, music is like poop. It just has to come out.
-- Mark Salling -
I'll eat a nugget of my own poop for 20 bucks. I'll pay you 20 bucks and I'll eat it.
-- Tom DeLonge -
I tell a lot of fart and poop jokes. I can't help it. I have no filter, and it just comes out.
-- Tyler Posey -
you aren't what you eat - you are what you don't poop.
-- Wavy Gravy -
If all you do is follow the herd, you'll just be stepping in poop all day
-- Wayne Dyer -
My most smelly job was at a kennels and cattery, and I basically spent all day scooping poop.
-- Sara Cox -
Whenever I feel nervous, I feel like I have to poop.
-- Kendra Wilkinson