Venice famous quotes
I've been kind of submerged in my own little geographic location for a really long time in Venice Beach
-- Amber Tamblyn -
Venice is like doing acid. If you can't take it with you after you either come down or move away, you were never really there in the first place.
-- Anne Alexander -
That night we made love "the real way" which we had not yet attempted although married six months. Big mystery. No one knew where to put their leg and to this day I'm not sure we got it right. He seemed happy. You're like Venice he said beautifully. Early next day I wrote a short talk ("On Defloration") which he stole and had published in a small quarterly magazine. Overall this was a characteristic interaction between us. Or should I say ideal. Neither of us had ever seen Venice.
-- Anne Carson -
Go to Venice. Find Scorpia. And you will find your destiny.
-- Anthony Horowitz -
It's a fault line where the flotsam and energy that washes up from the Pacific collides with all of urban America crashing in from the other direction.
-- Antoine Predock -
This is the only place that I don't feel out of place, because everyone here is out of place.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
A realist, in Venice, would become a romantic by mere faithfulness to what he saw before him.
-- Arthur Symons -
I had my dreams of Venice, but nothing that I had dreamed was as impossible as what I found.
-- Arthur Symons -
In memory Venice is always magic.
-- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison -
Everything was happening all the time. You never needed television.
-- Barbet Schroeder -
I loved going surfing down on Venice Beach. Id go out with a board under my arm and think, I cant do that in Cranhill.
-- Billy Boyd -
Venice, Italy, survives 365 days out of every year in water; New Orleans can survive a few days of water if it has to.
-- Billy Tauzin -
When you come to Venice, you do special work.
-- Bruce Paltrow -
Street performers, homemade crafts, keep your wallet in your front pocket and don't buy any crap!
-- Camryn Manheim -
You have to know accounting. It's the language of practical business life. It was a very useful thing to deliver to civilization. I've heard it came to civilization through Venice which of course was once the great commercial power in the Mediterranean. However, double entry bookkeeping was a hell of an invention.
-- Charlie Munger -
At 6 p.m. I stood in the doorway of my studio facing the Venice boardwalk. A few spectators watched as I pushed two live electric wires into my chest. The wires crossed and exploded, burning me but saving me from electrocution.
-- Chris Burden -
Let's run away to Venice, and hide out in an old movie theater. We can dye our hair blonde, so no one will ever find us!
-- Cornelia Funke -
The trouble is, walking in Venice becomes compulsive once you start. Just over the next bridge, you say, and then the next one beckons.
-- Daphne du Maurier -
Sundance [festival] is all your Hollywood buds and buddies and rolling out and high-fiving and "Hell, yeah. Here comes the movie," and in Venice, it's very elegant, and respectful...It's decadence. It's such a fun way to formalize a movie that is for us a down-and-dirty, gritty movie. And to see it with the red carpet, and rolling up in a Maserati.
-- David Gordon Green -
You can see darn near anything just by walking along the beachfront from Venice to Malibu.
-- Del Howison -
Venice Beach: proof of the biological impossibility of imagining a person being simultaneously good-looking and poor.
-- Douglas Coupland -
Like Venice, Italy, New Orleans is a cultural treasure. And everyone who lived in the city should be allowed to come back. But that doesn't mean that they all should live in exactly the same spot that they lived before.
-- Ed McMahon -
....decay and disfavor came together as other parts of the coast were developed, and the canals became weed-clogged ditches breeding mosquitoes, and the hotels were turned into third-rate apartments.
-- Edward Bunker -
I will never forget experiencing Venice for the first time. It feels like you are transported to another time - the art, music, food and pure romance in the air is like no other place.
-- Elizabeth Berkley -
Perhaps it is because Venice is both liquid and solid, both air and stone, that it somehow combines all the elements crucial to make our imaginations ignite and turn fantasies into realities.
-- Erica Jong -
Venice, that capital city of dream and intrigue, that double city (one above and seemingly solid, one below, wavering and reflected in the waters), which never disappoints ...
-- Erica Jong -
If you read a lot, nothing is as great as you've imagined. Venice is - Venice is better.
-- Fran Lebowitz -
Venice, the most touristy place in the world, is still just completely magic to me.
-- Frances Mayes -
Situated on an island which I think it will one day cover, it rises like Venice from the sea, and like that fairest of cities in the days of her glory, receives into its lap tribute of all the riches of the earth.
-- Frances Trollope -
Venice never quite seems real, but rather an ornate film set suspended on the water.
-- Frida Giannini -
When I seek another word for 'music', I never find any other word than 'Venice'
-- Friedrich Nietzsche -
It is the custom of Venice to paint on canvas, either because it does not split and is not worm-eaten, or because pictures can be made of any size desired, or else for convenience... so that they can be sent anywhere with very little trouble and expense.
-- Giorgio Vasari -
When Michelangelo was introduced to Titian, he said... that Titian's colouring and his style much pleased him, but that it was a pity that in Venice men did not learn to draw well from the beginning, and that those painters did not pursue a better method in their studies.
-- Giorgio Vasari -
Nellie grinned. "I always wanted to go to Venice. It's supposed to be the romance capital of the world." "Sweet," put in Dan. "Too bad your date is an Egyptian Mau on a hunger strike." The au pair sighed. "Better than an eleven-year-old with a big mouth.
-- Gordon Korman -
When my film went to the Venice Film Festival and won the best script writing, the jury [prize], it didn't go to my head. I know how many black filmmakers that I am operating with whose name will never be mentioned. But I'm part of them in that silent existence.
-- Haile Gerima -
Though there are some disagreeable things in Venice there is nothing so disagreeable as the visitors.
-- Henry James -
Until it seems the whole city will be covered with gold pollen shaken from the bell-towers, lilies plundered with the weight of massive bees . . .
-- Hilda Doolittle -
Memory's images, once they are fixed in words, are erased," Polo said. "Perhaps I am afraid of losing Venice all at once, if I speak of it, or perhaps, speaking of other cities, I have already lost it, little by little.
-- Italo Calvino -
Amsterdam was a great surprise to me. I had always thought of Venice as the city of canals; it had never entered my mind that I should find similar conditions in a Dutch town.
-- James Weldon Johnson -
Wherever you go in life, you will feel somewhere over your shoulder a pink, castellated shimmering presence, the domes and riggings and crooked pinacles of the Serenissima
-- Jan Morris -
Famously sunny Los Angeles has long been known as the homeless capital of America, from beachy communities like Santa Monica and Venice to Skid Row downtown.
-- John Carlos Frey -
The pope being informed of the great increase of Protestantism, in the year 1542 sent inquisitors to Venice to make an inquiry into the matter, and apprehend such as they might deem obnoxious persons.
-- John Foxe -
Venice was always one step removed from what was going on. If you were in Turin or in Milan or one of the industrial centers, you would have had a much more active political constituency. Venice essentially lived for itself.
-- Joseph Kanon -
To live in Venice is like being domesticated in the heart of an opal.
-- Lilian Whiting -
History and legend and art and romance meet and mingle to create that indefinable sorcery of Venice. It is like nothing on earth except a poet's dream ...
-- Lilian Whiting -
A group of us started a community center in Santa Monica. We've tried different programs, and three have worked really well. A poetry group. Once a week we visit Venice High and talk to girls at risk.
-- Lisa Bonet -
To me, Venice and Ocean Park were gaiety. I had not been allowed to go to those things as a youngster.
-- Marion Davies -
Venice, as a city, was a foundling, floating upon the waters like Moses in his basket among the bulrushes.
-- Mary McCarthy -
The rationalist mind has always had its doubts about Venice. The watery city receives a dry inspection, as though it were a myth for the credulous- poets and honeymooners.
-- Mary McCarthy -
The things of this world reveal their essential absurdity when they are put in the Venetian context. In the unreal realm of the canals, as in a Swiftian Lilliput, the real world, with its contrivances, appears as a vast folly.
-- Mary McCarthy -
There is something so different in Venice from any other place in the world, that you leave at once all accustomed habits and everyday sights to enter an enchanted garden.
-- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley -
Three to four times a week, I get up at 7:30 A.M. while the courts are empty at Venice Beach and play full court one-on-one.
-- Missy Peregrym -
On December 12, 1829, Paganini wrote his friend Germi: "The variations I've composed on the graceful Neapolitan ditty, 'Oh Mamma, Mama Cara,' outshine everything. I can't describe it!" He was writing from Karlsruhe, in the midst of his triumphal tour through Germany. That letter marks the earliest known mention of the variations that would become famous as "The Carnival of Venice." At the time of his letter, Paganini had already performed the piece in at least four concerts. From then on, it would be one of his most popular compositions.
-- Niccolo Paganini -
If I could live in one city and do every single thing I do there, I would choose Venice. You can't turn your head without seeing something amazing.
-- Nile Rodgers -
He liked the fact that Venice had no cars. It made the city human. The streets were like veins, he thought, and the people were the blood, circulating everywhere.
-- Patricia Highsmith -
[On Venice:] Every hour of the day is a miracle of light. In summer with daybreak the rising sun produces such a tender magic on the water that it nearly breaks one's heart.
-- Peggy Guggenheim -
If anything can rival Venice in its beauty, it must be its reflection at sunset in the Grand Canal.
-- Peggy Guggenheim -
Venice is not only a city of fantasy and freedom. It is also a city of joy and pleasure.
-- Peggy Guggenheim -
Prague is like a vertical Venice steps everywhere.
-- Penelope Gilliatt -
For about 150 days a year in Venice, the sun doesn't show through the mist until noon.
-- Ray Bradbury -
Here at this far lost end of the continent, where the trail wagons had stopped and the people with them....
-- Ray Bradbury -
Venice was and is full of lost places where people put up for sale the last worn bits of their souls, hoping no one will buy.
-- Ray Bradbury -
I have an Italian comedy at the Venice Film Festival.
-- Robert Englund -
If there was no Hollywood, no next movie, no deal at Warner Brothers, no place in Malibu or Venice, I would still be really happy.
-- Susan Downey -
[On Venice:] A wondrous city of fairest carving, reflected in gleaming waters swirled to new patterning by every passing gondola.
-- Sylvia Pankhurst -
I came up with a parallel Venice called Venus. set in a parallel Venice about 1701.
-- Tanith Lee -
Gentrification and consumerism... have destroyed the character of my favorite American haunts, like North Beach, Berkeley, Venice and Aspen.
-- Tom Hayden -
This is the end. This is as far as you can go. After this it all starts over again.
-- Tony Hendra -
Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go.
-- Truman Capote -
Venice would be a fine city if it were only drained.
-- Ulysses S. Grant -
Is it worth while to observe that there are no Venetian blinds in Venice?
-- William Dean Howells -
I know a lady in Venice would have walked barefoot to Palestine for a touch of his nether lip
-- William Shakespeare -
My mother took me to Venice one time and showed me all the houses where famous composers used to live. It gave me a fascination for music and the city, but also for architecture. It was a valuable lesson.
-- Ben van Berkel -
I used to be a street performer, and performances on Venice Beach, it's like playing the Apollo: They let you know if they don't like you!
-- Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa -
The collages I never wanted to sell. I thought it was a very private thing, so I kept the collages. Then, in the end, I had a big collage in the Pinault Collection in Venice and the director of the [Centre] Pompidou said, "Did you make big collages like this in the '60s?" I said yes, so he came to the studio and said, "Let's make an exhibition in the Pompidou."
-- Erro -
Even within single sentences, there are sudden changes of register. And when the travellers go to Venice, they see a play by Voltaire! This is a novel [Candid] which has narratives within narratives, such as when Cunégonde recounts her story.
-- Mark Ravenhill -
To Forget Venice is a tour de force of ventriloquism. Elegant, contemporary, and wry, the voice at its center is also capable of disarming flights of imagination as it enters and inhabits other lives across time and gender. The glittering, fetid city emerges as a complex metaphor for the human heart’s simultaneous tenderness and capacity for cruelty, its ‘silver glow / a local specialty: filth / disguised as ornament.’ This Venice is unforgettable.
-- Chase Twichell -
First, my frame of reference for the Britten opera shifted. I'd always thought of Britten's approach in Death in Venice as another exploration of the plight of the individual whose aspirations are at odds with those of the surrounding community: his last opera returning to the themes of Peter Grimes. As I read and listened and thought, however, Billy Budd came to seem a more appropriate foil for Death in Venice.
-- Philip Kitcher -
There were two practical reasons we moved to Venice. One was that there was an artists movement and a countercultural movement. Lots of people we might want to hire lived in the area. We also wanted to buy in a lower rent area that looked like it was going to be gentrified so that we could eventually sell the studio for more money.
-- Roger Corman -
Yet for all the childish innocence of its bizarre glamor, Venice developed an atmosphere, or became the outpost of a sinister deep-rooted power.... It is a place of dreams, not only the tinseled ones.
-- Fritz Leiber