Calm Down famous quotes


  • When you mathematize something you distill its essence.

  • I thought about the nice clothes that I always wore. Well of course I did. I took pride in being the best dressed monster in Dade County.

  • I have learned to kiss the waves that throw me up against the Rock of Ages.

  • It is an unfortunate personal tragedy. However, when compared to the vast ocean of the collective tragedy faced by my people, my illness is merely a pebble. I am deeply sad that I am crippled by this illness, unable to contribute anything substantial towards the alleviation of the immense suffering and oppression of my people.

  • That's basically the gangster code. Just be yourself. Just be you, dog. The easiest way to get your card plucked around a gangster is to be a fake. If we feel like you're trying too hard, if you're trying to act like you're from the street, you're in trouble.

  • Does anyone believe for one moment that the progress we have made would have been possible under bureaucratic control of any government. This country was founded upon the principle of the regulation of private effort, of making rules for the game, and under that system alone can we look for the same success in the future which has been ours in the past. Our position today is the direct result of the free play among our people of private competitive effort.

  • Let God and all his creation teach you what your sins are.

  • I have never turned to my girlfriend and said, Oh, okay, babe, and I see it in scripts all the time.

  • The new pope knows that his task is to make the light of Christ shine before men and women of world - not his own light, but that of Christ.

  • Doubts are like stains on a shirt. I like shirts with stains, because when I'm given a shirt that's too clean, one that's completely white, I immediately start having doubts.