Wrong Decision famous quotes


  • A reward once given becomes a right.

  • Guys think I'm staring them down, but they watch ME for signs. Why can't I do the same to them?

  • People are funny in like young adulthood, just like how people's musical tastes are cool, but it changes very rapidly. In five or ten years, I'll probably still be confident about what's funny but it probably won't be funny anymore.

  • The week ahead is already programmed for fabulousness. Pray that your thinking be aligned with the force that makes it so.

  • We are not responding to this instant if we are judging any aspect of it.

  • It must have been providence that directed Joel Morwood to dig in the right place, for he struck a lode of pure gold, as wide (comprehensive) as it is deep (profound). What he mined from that lode is a spiritual treasure.

  • Sometimes I wake up at night and go, 'Oh, damn! Here we go again! What were they thinking? They gave me this role; don't they know I'm faking it?

  • If you make time each month to give your money some attention, you'll start the next year in fabulous financial shape.

  • Act as if success is certain.

  • The day, water, sun, moon, night - I do not have to purchase these things with money.