Javelin famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • A puppet that starts to improvise badly is almost funnier than the puppet that's improvising well. So the show gets better when the improvising is really good, but also the show can also sometimes get better when the improvising sort of goes a little wrong and that's sort of a blessing to improvising with puppets.

  • There is a direct relationship between our personal experience with the Lord and how we see ourselves. The closer we grow to him, the more clear and complete becomes our vision of who we are, who we have always been, and who we may become.

  • Comics is a language. It's a language most people understand intuitively.

  • I am sunlight slicing the dark.

  • If you live your life and don't confess your sins to God Almighty through the authority of Christ and His blood, I'm going to say this very plainly, you're going straight to hell with a nonstop ticket.

  • Better safe than sorry. That's my motto.

  • Imagine what it would be like if you didn't know that the evening news was funded primarily by 'Big Pharma.' You would actually believe the stuff that they're saying. You might even think those are the stories that matter.

  • After a burglary of all her most valued and treasured possessions, Winston Churchill's aging mother wrote: "That burglar relieved me of an obsession. For years, I've had to take houses big enough to hold all these bibelots. I am almost grateful to him."

  • Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair.

  • Where's the man who counsel can bestow, still pleased to teach, and yet not proud to know.