“Whatever circumstance it is, if you always do your best, then you can't beat yourself up, basically.”
“I cannot get myself interested in video games. I've been given video game players and they just sit there connected to my TVs gathering dust until eventually I unplug them so I can put in another special-region DVD player.”
“I live my life until there's no more living to be done. Because you never know when it's going to stop. Wake up tomorrow and it could all be gone, bro. All the cars, all the motorcycles, everything. All the memories. We could go into a state of emergency, you know, and the world goes to war. The money won't count for nothing.”
Source : Interview with Trevor Noah, www.interviewmagazine.com. February 8, 2016.
“Chances are that neither the client nor the agency will ever know very much about what role the ad has played in sales or profits of the client, either short-term or long-term.”
Source : Michael Schudson (2013). “Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion (RLE Advertising): Its Dubious Impact on American Society”, p.108, Routledge
“The future is a trickster rabbit, full of surprises. Only the past is predictable. -Bobby Goodspeed”
“Cinema, radio, television, and magazines are a school of inattention: people look without seeing, listen without hearing.”
“It is terribly important to appreciate that some things remain obscure to the bitter end.”
Source : "Management Science" by Anthony Stafford Beer, (p. 115), 1968.
“There is no debate whether we need a cultural policy or not. We do need it, but there are different ways of doing it.”