Western Culture famous quotes
It would be impossible to be a woman in Western culture and not have your own issues about your image and what you look like.
-- America Ferrera -
Every aspect of Western culture needs a new code of ethics - a rational ethics - as a precondition of rebirth.
-- Ayn Rand -
Feminism is a struggle to end sexist oppression. Therefore, it is necessarily a struggle to eradicate the ideology of domination that permeates Western culture on various levels.
-- Bell Hooks -
It is not for us . . . to send out missionaries to foreign peoples; it is our task to build up our own Western culture.
-- Carl Jung -
The paradigm of Western culture is that the essence of persons is dangerous; thus, they must be taught, guided, and controlled by those with superior authority.
-- Carl Rogers -
In the latter half of the last century the impact of the expanding influence of Western culture and economic system brought about in China a severe conflict.
-- Chen-Ning Yang -
The question was heatedly debated of how much Western culture should be brought into China.
-- Chen-Ning Yang -
As I have pointed out, it is the Christian tradition that is the most fundamental element in Western culture. It lies at the base not only of Western religion, but also of Western morals and Western social idealism.
-- Christopher Dawson -
In a lot of Western science fiction, you need some form of conflict, whether it's aliens or robots. I think in Western culture, being more suspicious of science, and hubris, you'll see a lot of fear of creating something that goes out of control.
-- Cynthia Breazeal -
One cannot fail to observe a crushing irony: the gospel of relativistic tolerance is perhaps the most “evangelistic†movement in Western culture at the moment, demanding assent and brooking no rivals.
-- D. A. Carson -
Multiculturalism asserts that all cultures are equal and therefore none may criticize another; intellectuals and politicians are therefore reluctant to declare the obvious superiority of Western culture to Islamic culture.
-- Edwin A. Locke -
Sharing knowledge is not part of Western culture
-- Fons Trompenaars -
Monotheism at Sinai, primitive Christianity, messianic socialism: these are the three supreme moments in which Western culture is presented with what Ibsen termed "the claims of the ideal." These are the three stages, profoundly interrelated, through which Western consciousness is forced to experience the blackmail of transcendence.
-- George Steiner -
In trying to become 'objective,' Western culture made 'objects' of things and people when it distanced itself from them, thereby losing 'touch' with them.
-- Gloria E. Anzaldúa -
There is something intrinsically, systemically wrong with white, western culture, and if we don't fix it, it won't continue.
-- James Cromwell -
In Eastern culture, people see ghosts, people talk about ghosts... it's just accepted. And in Western culture it's just not.
-- Jessica Alba -
The present aristocracy of western culture, at the moment when it most clearly dominates the world, is being imitated rapidly and successfully in every eastern country.
-- John Desmond Bernal -
You know, face painting in non-Western cultures is a sign of collectivism, is a sign of one representing the community, it's not unique at all.
-- Joseph Jarman -
Business is the economic engine of our Western culture, and if it could be transformed to truly serve nature as well as ourselves, it could become essential to our rescue.
-- Karl-Henrik Robert -
I had to confront my fears and master my every demonic thought about inferiority, insecurity, or the fear of being black, young, and gifted in this Western culture.
-- Lauryn Hill -
In fact, Western culture has spent decades drawing lines and boxes around interconnected phenomena. We've chunked the world into pieces rather than explored its webby nature.
-- Margaret J. Wheatley -
Our perception that we have 'no time' is one of the distinctive marks of modern Western culture.
-- Margaret Visser -
Radical feminism is the most destructive and fanatical movement to come down to us from the Sixties. This is a revolutionary, not a reformist, movement, and it is meeting with considerable success. Totalitarian in spirit, it is deeply antagonistic to traditional Western culture and proposes the complete restructuring of society, morality, and human nature.
-- Robert Bork -
The argument now that the spread of pop culture and consumer goods around the world represents the triumph of Western civilization trivializes Western culture. The essence of Western civilization is the Magna Carta, not the Magna Mac. The fact that non-Westerners may bite into the latter has no implications for their accepting the former.
-- Samuel P. Huntington -
In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.
-- Samuel P. Huntington -
The indigenous peoples understand that they have to recover their cultural identity, or to live it if they have already recovered it. They also understand that this is not a favor or a concession, but simply their natural right to be recognized as belonging to a culture that is distinct from the Western culture, a culture in which they have to live their own faith.
-- Samuel Ruiz -
In most of the world, poetry has such a different reputation than it does in Western culture.
-- Eliza Griswold -
Western culture is what keeps women and gays safe.
-- Milo Yiannopoulos -
Western culture is what gave us Mozart, and Da Vinci, and Wagner, and Beethoven.
-- Milo Yiannopoulos