Edwin A. Locke famous quotes


  • Be with Allah, You will find Allah with you.

  • The beginning of knowledge is the intention, then listening, then understanding, then action, then preservation, and then spreading it.

  • I studied adab for thirty years and I studied knowledge for twenty years.

  • As to women, the Islamic faith has given women rights that are equal to or more than the rights given them in the Old Testament and the Bible.

  • The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it.

  • A modern revolutionary group heads for the television station.

  • Peace is not so much a political mandate as it is a shared state of consciousness that remains elevated and intact only to the degree that those who value it volunteer their existence as living examples of the same... Peace ends with the unraveling of individual hope and the emergence of the will to worship violence as a healer of private and social dis-ease.

  • In a lot of Western science fiction, you need some form of conflict, whether it's aliens or robots. I think in Western culture, being more suspicious of science, and hubris, you'll see a lot of fear of creating something that goes out of control.

  • One cannot fail to observe a crushing irony: the gospel of relativistic tolerance is perhaps the most “evangelistic” movement in Western culture at the moment, demanding assent and brooking no rivals.

  • There is something intrinsically, systemically wrong with white, western culture, and if we don't fix it, it won't continue.