#Destiny Quotes #Choices Quotes #Decision Quotes
“We've spent the last 30 years focusing on the T in IT, and we'll spend the next 30 years focusing on the I.”
“There's no secret about success. Did you ever know a successful man who didn't tell you about it?”
“I was always drawn to music. It consumed my thoughts and when I realized I could make people feel something through music that is all I wanted to do.”
“In the new enlightenment, the reason we are driven to become one with the life-process is not merely to experience some form of mystical oneness with everything. We strive to become one with it for the biggest reason there could be - so we can ultimately take responsibility for where it's going.”
“Happiness isn't found in some finite checklist of goals that we can diligently complete and then coast. It's how we live our lives in the process. That's why the four pillars of happiness are faith, family, community and meaningful work. Those are priorities we have to keep investing in.”
Source : "Q&A: 'The Conservative Heart'" by Dana Perino, www.foxnews.com. July 29, 2015.
“I don't even know how to spell 'legacy!”
“Screenwriting is a terrible way to make a living and I always try to talk anyone out of it. Until you sit in a story meeting with studio executives with no particular ability or actors who haven't even graduated high school telling you exactly how to change your script, you haven't experienced what it's really like to be a screenwriter in Hollywood. Also, unlike novelists and playwrights, you don't own the copyright on your original material. It hurts when you sell a project you love and then suddenly the project you really cared about will never see the light of day.”
“Diligent follow-up and follow-through will set you apart from the crowd and communicate excellence.”
Abigail Scott Duniway Writer