Wade Hayes famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Death should take more care with his paperwork.

  • The portions of a woman which appeal to man's depravity Are constructed with considerable care.

  • Public property has the same standing with me as that of an orphan; if it is much, it must be conserved, and if it is little, it must be used with care.

  • When the journey's over/There'll be time enough to sleep.

  • The best technology is aimed far enough in the future that it stands out, but close enough to the present that it blends in.

  • No, you can’t force other people to change. You can, however, change just about everything else. And usually, that’s enough.

  • I'm not often bored,' I assured her. "Life's not long enough for that.

  • Please leave me something...even one memory would be enough.

  • Religions survive mainly because they brainwash the young.

  • When you're young, it's hard not to get together with your costar.

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