Stephanie Beatriz famous quotes


  • After the first few readings in comedy venues I did begin to write for laughs. There's something so gratifying about stimulating laughter.

  • During 'Saturday Night Fever' at the end of the first act dance number I tried to perform a split-jump, only I can't do them so I ended up on my ***** followed by the most unsightly backward roll out of it, followed by the cast falling over in laughter and a good portion of the audience too.

  • Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself.

  • When people are laughing, they're generally not killing one another.

  • I am tortured too. I am tortured by belly fat and magazine covers about how to please everyone but myself. I am tortured by sheep who click on anything that will guarantee a ten-pound loss in one week. Sheep who will get on their knees if it means someone will like them more. I am tortured by my inability to want to hang out with desperate sheep. I am tortured by ***** yearbooks full of bullshit. I met you when. I'll miss the times. I'll keep in touch. Best friends forever. Is this okay? Are you all right? Are you tortured too?

  • If we have no friends, we have no pleasure; and if we have them, we are sure to lose them, and be doubly pained by the loss.

  • ...Almost everything inside was filled with sugar, cheese, and weight-loss tips.

  • The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being human.

  • A movie is about human beings, about humanity.

  • By the very fact of public life, one seems to lose humanity in people's eyes.