Wade Barrett famous quotes


  • As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.

  • Do not let Sunday be taken from you. If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.

  • I myself am frustrated in just where sports are at. It's a hard thing when you're out there working every day, and you know that someone else is cheating and they may not necessarily get caught.

  • There are sixteen cans of coffee here; together they hold a total of thirteen and a half pounds of coffee. Doesn't that seem like cheating?

  • Winning has a joy and discrete purity to it that cannot be replaced by anything else.

  • Eagleton has spent his life inside two mental boxes, Catholicism and Marxism, of both of which he is a severe internal critic—that is, he frequently kicks and scratches at the inside of the boxes, but does not leave them. Neither are ideologies that loosen their grip easily, and people who need the security of adherence to a big dominating ideology, however much they kick and scratch but without daring to leave go, hold on to it every bit as tightly as it holds onto them. The result is of course strangulation, but alas not mutual strangulation: the ideology always wins.

  • The product that wins is the one that bridges customers to the future, not the one that requires a giant leap.

  • Della was my go all in. She was my winning hand. You can't play when you go all in and lose. I'm out." "No, you're not. This hand ain't over yet," Rush said.

  • What are you two doing flirting with this nerd? I told you, you are supposed to be in charge of the 50 dancing girls I had set up for Miz's celebration.

  • If he's the king, I'm the prince.

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