Kenneth Cloke famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I interned at Miramax and subsequently at Paramount because I was really curious about the future of entertainment - how were we going to get films online? While the inspiration for Box didn't come from that experience directly, it was very obvious that bigger businesses had a lot of slow processes and cumbersome technology.

  • You always have to make positive choices as an actor, even when you're playing someone who may not be doing the best things.

  • We have to always hope in humanity that people will make the right choices.

  • You must believe before everything else that the revolution must come, that there is no other choice,

  • Every time we interact with another person at work, we have a choice to make: do we try to claim as much value as we can, or contribute value without worrying about what we receive in return?

  • The decision to feed the world is the real decision. No revolution has chosen it. For that choice requires that women shall be free.

  • All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will toward health, an impulse towards growth, or towards the actualization.

  • The main requirement for spiritual growth: A yearning to know who you really are.

  • Personal growth is not a matter of learning new information but of unlearning old limits.

  • There are three musts that hold us back: I must do well. You must treat me well. And the world must be easy.

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