Roderick T. Long famous quotes
A consistent peace activist must be an anarchist.
-- Roderick T. Long -
Market Anarchism is the doctrine that the legislative, adjudicative, and protective functions unjustly and inefficiently monopolised by the coercive State should be entirely turned over to the voluntary, consensual forces of market society.
-- Roderick T. Long
The passions refuse to be organized on a basis of their own; hostile to personal freedom and one another, they rush precipitately into anarchy and mob rule.
The State is said by some to be a necessary evil; it must be made unnecessary.
The Anarchists are simply unterrified Jeffersonian Democrats. They believe that 'the best government is that which governs least,' and that which governs least is no government at all.
If I had understood the situation a bit better I should probably have joined the Anarchists.
If I was an aspirant litterateur, I was also an aspirant anarchist. I have disliked Authority always, though sometimes seduced by its resplendence.
There's nothing wrong with being an anarchist.
The aims of anarchists and true communists are identical.
The only truly consistent are the dead.
I feel sorry for many politicians we expect them to be completely consistent and moralised when we're not.
I didn't care about being the 'star. ' I just wanted to make a living and have a consistent career.
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