Walter Block famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I take a grave view of the press. It is the weak slat under the bed of democracy

  • Free speech means the right to shout 'theatre' in a crowded fire.

  • Freedom is not the right to do what we want, but what we ought

  • Future generations may or may not judge Wittgenstein to be one of the great philosophers. Even if they do not, however, he is sure always to count as one of the great personalities of philosophy. From our perspective it is easy to mistake one for the other; which he is time will tell.

  • The philosophy of the school was quite simple - the bright boys specialised in Latin, the not so bright in science and the rest managed with geography or the like.

  • Don't be ashamed to let your conscience be your guide.

  • The study of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a cripple philosophy

  • Facts are what pedantic, dull people have instead of opinions.

  • We must see what in the Israeli identity - in the Israeli - we can give to other people rather than speaking so often of taking, expanding territory.

  • People who deal with life generously and large-heartedly go on multiplying relationships to the end.