Henry Suso famous quotes
If your enemies see that you grow courageous, and that you will neither be seduced by flatteries nor disheartened by the pains and trials of your journey, but rather are contented with them, they will grow afraid of you.
-- Henry Suso -
Remember that you will derive strength by reflecting that the saints yearn for you to join their ranks; desire to see you fight bravely, and that you behave like true knights in your encounters with the same adversities which they had to conquer, and that breathtaking joy is theirs and your eternal reward for having endured a few years of temporal pain. Every drop of earthly bitterness will be changed into an ocean of heavenly sweetness.
-- Henry Suso -
The eternal God asks a favor of his bride: "Hold me close to your heart, close as locket or bracelet fits." No matter whether we walk or stand still, eat or drink, we should at all times wear the golden locket "Jesus" upon our heart.
-- Henry Suso -
Let each look to himself and see what God wants of him and attend to this, leaving all else alone.
-- Henry Suso -
Nowhere does Jesus hear our prayers more readily than in the Blessed Sacrament
-- Henry Suso -
It is inner abandonment that leads men to the highest truth.
-- Henry Suso -
In the first day of my youth I tried to find it in the creatures, as I saw others do: but the more I sought, the less I found it, and the nearer I went to it, the further off it was. For of every image that appeared to me, before I had fully tested it, or abandoned myself to peace in it, and inner voice said to me: 'This is not what thou seekest.
-- Henry Suso -
Thou shalt understand that it is a science most profitable, and passing all other sciences, for to learn to die. For a man to know that he shall die, that is common to all men; as much as there is no man that may ever live or he hath hope or trust thereof; but thou shalt find full few that hath this cunning to learn to die. I shall give thee the mystery of this doctrine; the which shall profit thee greatly to the beginning of ghostly health, and to a stable fundamental of all virtues.
-- Henry Suso -
Suffering is the ancient law of love; there is no quest without pain; there is no lover who is not also a martyr.
-- Henry Suso
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