#Pain Quotes #Ocean Quotes #Adversity Quotes
“Those at too great a distance may, I am well are, mistake ignorance for perspective.”
“Mama wanted me to be a preacher. I told her coachin' and preachin' were a lot alike.”
Source : Nigel Forbes Dennis (1949). “A Sea Change”
“Self-love leads men of narrow minds to measure all mankind by their own capacity.”
Source : Sir Philip Sidney, Jane Porter (1807). “Aphorisms of Sir Philip Sidney: With Remarks”
Source : Jacqueline Carey (2011). “Kushiel's Chosen”, p.35, Pan Macmillan
“Success is the process of not accepting failure.”
Source : Georgette Mosbacher (1994). “Feminine Force: Release the Power Within You to Create the Life You Deserve”, Touchstone
Angelus Silesius
Gerhard Tersteegen
Johannes Tauler
Marguerite Porete