Yossi Vardi famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We just need to keep battling. We're a team that has stuck together through the good times and the bad times. Our reward is near.

  • When you're picking a basketball team, you'll take the brother over the guy with the yarmulke. Why? Because you're playing the odds.

  • It was an amazing win and testament to the character of the team. From the position we were in it must be one of the greatest comebacks.

  • I'm pretty sure I could outrun the whole Dallas Cowboys team.

  • Before one can walk as Christ walked, and talk as He talked, he must first begin to think as Christ thought.

  • Americans think the only funny Brits are John Cleese, Benny Hill and whoever makes our toothpaste. They're not laughing with us, they are laughing at us.

  • My goal has been to encourage jointness, to push people to think of affiliations rather than to operate as solo entrepreneurs.

  • There's a very passionate pro-chewing movement on the Internet called Chewdiasm. They say that we should be chewing 50 to 100 times per mouthful, which is insane. I tried that. It takes like a day and a half to eat a sandwich. But their basic idea is right. If you chew, you'll eat slower and you will get more nutrients.

  • The man with but one idea in his head is sure to exaggerate that to top-heaviness, and thus he loses his equilibrium.

  • I was really intrigued by the idea of using live streams of data that's relevant to real people, and that would allow us to reflect and learn about ourselves.

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