David Fontana famous quotes


  • The many faces of Collective Vision united by the mandalic eye-field suggest both expansion of consciousness and sharing of consciousness with other beings. The painting was based on a profoundly ego dissolving entheogenic mystical trance where I heard the words, 'Infinite Oneness... the Oneness should never forget the Infinitude and the Infinitude should never forget the Oneness...'

  • Sacred love is selfless, seeking not its own. The lover serves his beloved and seeks perfect communion of oneness with her.

  • Things go away to return, brightened for the passage

  • That's love, giving everything, sacrificing all without hope of return.

  • Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. We are nothing, but dust and to dust we shall return. Amen.

  • Seeing that my words had done absolutely nothing to pull North from whatever depths he was clinging to, Owain did what came naturally. He smacked North upside the head hard enough to send him sprawling into the window. And when it seemed that North would turn around and return the favor, Owain hit him again, harder.

  • You can't stamp on people and not get hurt in return.

  • Another mode of accumulating power arises from lifting a weight and then allowing it to fall.

  • Half our fears arise from neglect of the Bible.

  • Gratitude arises from paying attention, from being awake in the presence of everything that lives within and without us.

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