Louis Daguerre famous quotes


  • Steve Jobs is the most epic entrepreneur of all time. He served as a guiding light for any emerging businessperson who wanted to learn how things should get done. He'll be looked at as one of the best business leaders of all time, and certainly one of the best tech entrepreneurs.

  • In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.

  • The purely righteous do not complain of the dark, but increase the light; they do not complain of evil, but increase justice; they do not complain of heresy, but increase faith; they do not complain of ignorance, but increase wisdom.

  • The curse should no longer rest upon the world itself, but upon that which is sinful in it, and instead of monastic flight from the world the duty is now emphasized of serving God in the world, in every position in life.

  • And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again?

  • No longer was light analogous to the discharge of a blunderbuss, but rather to the pulsating flight of birds.

  • When an airplane's engines fail, it is not the end of the flight.

  • There's an entire flight simulator hidden in every copy of Microsoft Excel 97.

  • It's very expensive to be a professional tennis player with all the travel and the flights and the hotels and everything.

  • My wife will tell you that I'm very particular and it's annoying for other people. I eat the same thing every day. I go to the gym at the same time every day. I go to L.A. all the time, so I take that same 9:30 flight. I will not take another one.