Nick Joaquín famous quotes


  • Establishing an equilibrium between the Islam of truth and Islam as an identity is one of the most difficult tasks of religious intellectuals.

  • A secure pluralistic society requires communities that are educated and confident both in the identity and depth of their own traditions and in those of their neighbours.

  • The attentions of others matter to us because we are afflicted by a congenital uncertainty as to our own value, as a result of which affliction we tend to allow others' appraisals to play a determining role in how we see ourselves. Our sense of identity is held captive by the judgements of those we live among.

  • How do you gag the voice in your head that says, 'You don't have to [do it] today. There's always tomorrow.'?

  • Focus too much on the near-term and you won't get tomorrow's customers, focus too much on the long-term and you won't get today's.

  • Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.

  • It is hard for many people today to make the distinction between religion and religiosity, the latter a dangerous parody of the former.

  • People say, like, 'Are you a regular person?' 'Well, I'm not a robot, if that's what you're asking, I really am a person.

  • I found I wasn't asking good enough questions because I assumed I knew something. I would box them into a corner with a badly formed question, and they didn't know how to get out of it. Now, I let them take me through it step by step, and I listen.

  • If ever there was one player, anywhere in the world, that was made for Manchester United, it was Cantona. He swaggered in, stuck his chest out, raised his head and surveyed everything as though he was asking: 'I'm Cantona. How big are you? Are you big enough for me?'

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