Liz Sheridan famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I've never had a treehouse because I live in New York City. It would be a little bit hard to fit a treehouse in a New York City apartment.

  • I knew I was destined to be a rock star. I just knew it, like I've always had the power of foresight. I feel right now exactly the way I felt after I finished mixing my first solo album 'New York Groove'.

  • In New York, the impact of these concentrated superskyscrapers on street scale and sunlight, on the city's aniquated support systems, circulation, and infrastructure, on its already tenuous livability, overrides any aesthetic. ... Art becomes worthless in a city brutalized by overdevelopment.

  • If a family is an expression of continuity through biology, a city is an expression of continuity through will amd imagination? through mental choices making artifice, not through physical reproduction.

  • To be a husbandman, is but a retreat from the city; to be a philosopher, from the world; or rather, a retreat from the world, as it is man's, into the world, as it is God's.

  • Cities at daybreak are no one's, and have no names. And I, too, have no name, dawn, the stars growing pale, the train picking up speed.

  • Defend Paris to the last, destroy all bridges over the Seine and devastate the city.

  • The Potemkin city of which I wish to speak here is none other than our dear Vienna herself.

  • As long as you want anything very much, especially more than you want God, it is an idol.

  • The Baptists' basic theology is that if you hold someone under water long enough, he'll come around to your way of thinking. It's a ritual known as 'Bobbing for Baptists.'